‘Fuck the unvaccinated’: ‘I said it in an affectionate, quote-unquote way,’ Macron says

by time news

The formula had shocked. On January 4, in the columns of Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron proclaimed his intention to “piss off” the unvaccinated. The candidate president was again challenged on this statement on Monday, when he made his first trip after the first round to Denain (North), where he came first ahead of the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.

“For you, duty is above right. That’s what you said, fuck the unvaccinatedwe are sub-citizens, we took it in the face, ”reproached a caregiver, in a sequence broadcast on BFMTV. The Head of State then claimed to have never said “sub-citizen”, before indicating that his sentence “fuck the non-vaccinated” had been pronounced in “an affectionate way in quotation marks”.

Put the phrase “in context”

It must be “put in context”, continued Macron, assuring that it was “not an insult”. “Some (…) caregivers, who had been vaccinated, said: people who are not vaccinated and who arrive (at the hospital), they should no longer be treated. To which I replied that I would never do that as president. We will always treat people, no matter what they choose. But one of my predecessors, Georges Pompidou, said: We are not here to piss off the French. We put constraints, I’m a bit there to try to annoy those who are not vaccinated, ”he explained.

In January, three days after declaring his controversial formula in our newspaper, the head of state had “totally” assumed his remarks. “We can be moved by forms of expression that seem familiar that I fully assume”, had just recognized the French president, during a press conference at the Élysée.

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