“Answering” the unvaccinated was an “affectionate” formula, according to Emmanuel Macron

by time news

The day after the first round of the presidential election, in which he came first, qualifying against Marine Le Pen for the second round, Emmanuel Macron was traveling to Denain, in the North. The President of the Republic was again taken to task by a woman raised against his health policy. He had been in Brittany last week, as in mid-March by a suspended caregiver. ““Answer the non-vaccinated”, I said it in an affectionate way”, explained the Head of State, wishing “to put it in context”, in particular with reference to the famous remark by Georges Pompidou. His interlocutor retorted “When someone says to me ‘fuck you’, excuse me Mr. Macron, I don’t take it kindly”.

“I never said” sub-citizen “”, also dropped the head of state, in response to the reproach of having used this term. Indeed, he did not use this expression… since he considered that the “antivax” were “no longer” citizens, “irresponsible” as they were.

And that is the huge moral fault of the antivax: they come to undermine what the solidity of a nation is. When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen. Interview with readers of Le Parisien, January 4, 2022

In a new interview with readers of Le Parisien, published at the very end of the first-round campaign, three days ago, the candidate had answered the question “You also said that you” piss off the non-vaccinated ” . Do you regret it? “But when I said that in front of the readers of this newspaper, it didn’t shock anyone in the room. I was even the most moderate of the gang! There were two readers who told me that one should not treat those who arrive at the hospital and who are not vaccinated. The problem is that we are in a society that decontextualizes everything. “A reader rebounding” I can tell you that it pissed off the caregivers. You opposed people…”, he retorted “I assume to have put constraints to protect the French. »

See also: The non-vaccinated, this species to be slaughtered

“To give a fuck about the world at this point, it’s really art”, reacted lawyer Pierre Gentillet. “And our suspensions, were they an April Fool’s joke? Indecency, to the end…”, exclaimed Cléo Kapp, pseudonym of a caregiver suspended and converted since. (see the article “Four months later, how the suspended caregivers live”).

See also: Vaccinated, unvaccinated, let’s unite in the face of abjection!

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