Income tax: the online declaration service restored after three days of suspension

by time news

The site is accessible again. The General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) restored online access to tax returns this Monday noon, which had been suspended “as a precaution” on Friday noon, following “pre-filling errors” noted by the taxpayers. The suspension of service therefore only lasted three days.

“There was a report in a bad overtime box for the staff of the three public services who were to be exempted”, specifies the DGFiP, whose agents worked hard all weekend. A problem which concerned in particular many professors and which had the effect of increasing the taxable income and, consequently, the tax to be discharged.

In concrete terms, this discrepancy concerns the salaries and wages which appear in boxes 1AJ/1BJ and the overtime hours exempted from boxes 1GH/1HH: it is necessary to check the consistency between the amounts indicated in the pre-filled tax return and those mentioned on the certificate. annual tax issued by your employer for 2021 or the net taxable amount for the year appearing on the payslip for December 2021.

“This concerns around one million people, or around 500,000 tax households”, explains a spokesperson. All the people concerned have been identified and will receive a message (email or post) in the coming days to let them know where the reporting error is on the declaration.

“It’s up to the taxpayer to make the change”

“It’s up to the taxpayer to make the change,” insists the DGFiP. The declarations are pre-filled as much as possible but the declaration period is used to verify this information, modify it if necessary so that the final tax can be calculated. » If you are affected by this bug but you had already validated your declaration, do not panic since you can make as many modifications as necessary until the deadline for the end of the campaign.

The calendar of the declaration of income is also not called into question by this delay in the ignition of a few days. The deadline depends like every year on your department of residence. If you live in departments 1 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze) or abroad, you have until May 24. From 20 (Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle), until May 31, and from 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Mayotte), you have one more week, until to June 8. If you are still forced to use the paper declaration, you have until midnight May 19 to submit it.

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