Gantz for the Palestinians: Security stabilization in exchange for economic benefits and construction expansions in Judea and Samaria

by time news

Defense Secretary Benny Gantz, yesterday (Monday) held a briefing for researchers from around the world and foreign journalists organized by the Washington Institute for Middle East Policy (Zoom). Gantz conducted a security-policy review, which touched on relations with the United States, the situation in Ukraine, the nuclear agreement with Iran and the Iranian aggression and the wave of terror in Israel. Afterwards, there was an interview with the institute’s director general, Rob Satlof.

On Iran: “Iran continues to enrich uranium as we know it and they are close to 90% enrichment if they want to. It is good that they are pushing for an agreement – but if it is not possible to reach a good agreement, it is time to push the Iranians back from where they are today. An immediate alternative plan. “

Regarding Iranian aggression in the region, he said: “We aim to expand intelligence cooperation with the United States and perhaps even build a coalition that will act against Iran’s violations, if there is an agreement – and that can cover holes in surveillance. I can also see the possibility of cooperation in the face of aggression in terms of air defense. “

Ganz referred to the situation in Syria and said: “Israel is working against arms transfers and threats against it that the Iranians are creating in Syria. Lately, there has been a bit more stability in Syria, and I see that there is activity between Syria and the Arab League countries. If Assad wants to be part of the region, he will have to stop his negative ties with Iran and the terrorism it spreads in Syria. “

Gantz referred to the wave of terrorism and said: “It is very good that the Palestinian Authority condemns and acts against terrorism – but I expect it to take action against senior Palestinian Authority officials, especially in the Jenin area, who encourage incitement and harm both Israel and the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian residents.

“We hope to see calm – and if the situation stabilizes, we can lower the age of entry from Judea and Samaria to the Temple Mount. Along with the fact that we are looking for good and calm, we are also ready for escalation in all arenas – including Gaza and Lebanon.

Regarding the civilian aspects of Judea and Samaria and Gaza: Ganz explained the policy he has been pursuing since the Wall Guard of strengthening the Palestinian Authority, the economy and the civilian aspects in Judea and Samaria and Gaza. In this context, he said: “There are over 12,000 Palestinian workers in Gaza – if the peace there is maintained we can expand it – but there is also the possibility that we will go back.”

Regarding construction in Judea and Samaria, Ganz said: “We continue to allow construction for both Jews and Palestinians, and we will approve more construction in the near future according to the assessment of the situation – we will not stop construction.

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