“I’m on the right track, but not everything is settled”

by time news

MAINTENANCE – Back in the France team this week after having missed the previous internship due to a deep personal malaise, the captain of the Blues confided in his situation.

Monday, late afternoon at the Maison du Handball in Créteil. All smiles, Valentin Porte plays goalkeepers after training for the Blues. A team of France that the Montpellier found after having left it momentarily, the time to treat not a physical wound, but a deep and painful wave in the soul. That he had confided without taboo to the daily L’Equipe a month earlier. A moving confession for this boy who is always good-natured but who, behind this very pleasant character, hid cracks. And even if everything is not settled, Valentin Porte “is doing better”, as he took the time to confide without waffling before challenging Spain twice in a friendly match (Thursday at 9:05 p.m. in Paris and Saturday in the same time on the Chambéry side).

Valentin, how do you feel during this return to the French team, at the Maison du handball in Créteil?
Valentine Wears: It makes me a little weird. I only missed one course, but I feel like it’s been a long time since I came. I arrived Sunday evening a little late. There was all the staff and I had a good night. Some were happy to see me again, others preferred to room me a little, and I think that makes everyone happy. Well, I hope so (smiles). It’s cool. That’s why I came back, and it makes me happy to see all this beautiful little world again.

What did you tell them when you found them?
I explained to them the why and how and that on the previous course, I really didn’t feel like being there. I apologized for this absence, but also for not having really followed their performances because I had really felt the need to cut. And I told them that today I got back on my feet, I feel better psychologically and I felt ready to return to them.

Do you think, like other great sportsmen and women, having suffered a post-Olympic backlash?
No, it’s completely different. I can’t compare my situation to those of athletes who have trouble following up after a medal or a title. Personally, after Tokyo, I was eager to find my club and my teammates.

Now, when I come home from work, I know that I have to give time to my family, to my friends.

valentine door

Did you really experience the media whirlwind triggered by your speech?
Yes, since I caused it. If I hadn’t wanted to be talked about, I would have kept everything to myself. This process of talking about it publicly may have done me good. This allowed me to help some people talk about it. And I didn’t do this to complain, but because I needed it at the time. Afterwards, of course some people think that because I’m an Olympic champion, everything is fine in my life, that I’m in my quiet little bubble… And somewhere, to be honest, they weren’t wrong because I I thought I was safe from all that. Until the day I opened my eyes, got out of this bubble and realized that there was not only handball in my life. And it’s not just the hand in fact. There is also the family and it takes time for everything. I have to learn to prioritize.

To be able to say that you are ready to come back today is a small victory for you…
Yes. I’m better. I am going up the slope in my private life. When I contacted coach Guillaume Gille, I told him that I felt ready. Or that at least I felt less discomfort, anxiety than the last time. I’m on the right track, but it’s not all settled yet, I have to keep working on myself. I am different and I often say that in life I am Valentin Porte, and on the pitch I am number 28. There is a very important life off the pitch and sometimes I tended to be overcommitted to my club or selection. So, when I got home, I didn’t cut, or far too little. Now, when I come home from work, I know that I have to give time to my family, to my friends. But it’s not easy to change…

Guillaume Gille mentioned the return of his captain. This means that you will continue to wear the armband…
Until proven otherwise, yes. At least for a while longer I hope. These are subjects that we will discuss. In addition, it is the last week in selection before a big break. I couldn’t see myself not being there. But I feel better. So I really felt like I was there. After this week, it will be time to reflect well, to see how it goes, to digest this week and this return.

You can want to win without feeling the pressure of the result.

valentine door

Thursday evening, you will also find the Accor Hotels Arena of Bercy against Spain…
Yes. Between players, we asked ourselves the question of when was our last match in France, without gauge. This is from early 2020 I believe. It’s great to finally be able to relive that with our audience. We have granted ourselves the luxury of being able to play two prestigious matches but without pressure while other nations will have to fight to qualify for the next World Cup. It’s up to us to make the most of it.

This will put an end to a long international season, which started from the Olympic Games in Tokyo in the summer of 2021 through the Euros in January 2022…
Yes, it is clear that this is a moment awaited by everyone because the sequence of competitions has been delicate for the head and for the body. Especially on these two matches where we could not dream of better than being at home, against Spain, a very beautiful nation, without pressure.

Without pressure but probably with the desire to win anyway…
Sure. You can want to win without feeling the pressure of the result. It’s out of the question to show a bad face at home, especially against Spain. But in terms of qualification or other type issues, we will have zero pressure.

Is it refreshing to play Spain when you’re more used to challenging Denmark or Norway in the Golden League?
Yes, it will be good to see a little something else. Spain, we don’t come across it that often. They have a very different style of play from the Scandinavian or Nordic handball that we often face. It’s a style that is more like us, with a defense that likes to set a lot of traps. It’s very different and it will allow us to gauge ourselves on something else. And then it’s a high quality nation, so it will be two high quality matches. Especially since we beat them pretty well the last time and they will therefore be keen to show another face. And we are going to want to mark our territory even more.

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