informing consumers of recipe changes is a headache

by time news

Faced with disturbances in the sunflower oil market, industrial federations are pleading with the DGCCRF to relax certain labeling rules.

Fries, crisps, prepared meals or even biscuits… Sunflower oil is an essential ingredient in the composition of more than “ 8000 products popular with French consumers, according to the Association of Processed Food Products Companies (Adepale). The problem is that Ukraine is the biggest producer of sunflower oil in the world and Russia and Ukraine account for no less than 78% of world exports of this oil. A dependence on the production of these two countries which today puts manufacturers faced with the shortage of this component of their recipes. “ Some manufacturers are already close to a shortage of sunflower oil supply. From next week, some will be forced to replace it with rapeseed oil, soybean oil or palm oil. », says Jérôme Foucault, president of Adepale.

But when a recipe change is made, consumers must be informed, which is a problem in the current situation. “ It would be difficult for manufacturers to take over all of their labels in such a short period of time, especially since the market for labels and paper in general is currently under pressure. », explains Jérôme Foucault from Adepale.

A technical difficulty recognized by Olivier Andrault, in charge of the food mission within the consumer association UFC-Que Choisir: “ Usually, packaging is ordered in gigantic quantities, for the whole year. In addition, you must reserve your slot six months in advance. It is not possible from a practical or economic point of view to change them in a short time. This is why manufacturers are in “ discussion with the DGCCRF (Editor’s note: which monitors the proper information of consumers) to obtain exemptions », explains Jérôme Foucault.

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A unique information site

Several options are on the table: the creation of a single information site where all the products whose recipe is modified would be presented. “ It is a minimum but it is very insufficient. We ask that when the replacement component is potentially allergenic, this is indicated directly on each product using a sticker “claims Olivier Andrault of UFC-Que Choisir. These are mainly biscuits, cakes, chocolates and other products in which soy lecithin has replaced sunflower lecithin.

A request understood by Adepale: “ For allergenic products, this is obvious, but also for those whose claim without GMOs or without palm oil, for example, will no longer be true. “. Indeed, Ukraine is a major supplier of non-GMO sunflower seeds and cakes for livestock feed. Due to lack of availability, breeders will have no choice but to turn to GMO soybean meal. A consensus therefore seems to have been reached on these particular cases.

But the Association of Processed Food Products Companies (Adepale) is calling for speed in decision-making for the rest of the products, whose recipe modification does not involve an allergen or claim that would become misleading: “ The situation must be resolved on products that are safe for consumers. It’s urgent “, hammers its president.

On this point, consumer associations are asking for display panels to be put up in the departments concerned, indicating the changes in recipes and their consequences on the products. But the return of the professionals of the large distribution and their opinion on the question are long overdue. The cost of setting up these information panels would indeed be borne by them. “We temporarily accept that the labels will not be changed in view of the situation. But for fair information to consumers, these panels are necessary“claims Olivier Andrault of UFC-Que Choisir.

Contacted by Le Figarothe DGCCRF assured that “ the arbitrations have not yet taken place but that they should happen soon ».

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