Sony and LEGO invest $2 billion in Fortnite publisher

by time news

The Japanese giant “Sony” and the parent group of the Danish “Lego” company announced an investment of two billion dollars in the company “Epic Games”, the publisher of the game “Fortnite”, which is considered a phenomenon in the field of video games, in an effort to fund efforts to develop Metaverse, according to the Emirati statement.

The $2 billion injection aims to “advance the company’s goal of building Metaverse and support its continued growth,” explained Lego, Sony and Kirkbi, the holding company for the world’s first Lego game.

And each of “Sony”, which is already a shareholder in “Epic Games”, and Kirkby, the new shareholder, one billion dollars, according to what the three groups said in a joint statement.

She added that she “highly values ​​designers and gamers alike, and wants to create new social entertainment by exploring the relationship between the digital and physical worlds.” This investment brings the value of Epic Games to $31.5 billion.

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