Presidential live: Macron and Le Pen have confirmed their candidacy in writing, announces the Constitutional Council

by time news


The essential “mobilization” for the second round

The National Rally candidate estimates on BFMTV that the result of the ballot on April 24 “will be a question of mobilization”: “If the people vote, the people win. »


“The French no longer want inter-self” in politics, judge Le Pen

“If the French elect me, it’s because they no longer want to be among themselves” in politics, explains Marine Le Pen, according to whom the government of Emmanuel Macron is a government “of technocrats. “The French want to elect a head of state who keeps his promises, who respects them, who sets up the proportional system, the referendum of citizens’ initiatives”, she lists on BFMTV. Asked about the political figures she would like to have in her government, Marine Le Pen refuses to answer.


Le Pen denounces Macron’s “brutal and aggressive” strategy

Currently interviewed by BFMTV, Marine Le Pen believes that Emmanuel Macron’s campaign strategy is “brutal and aggressive” towards him. “We confront divergent opinions but we can do it in courtesy”, judges the candidate of the National Rally.


Macron and Le Pen confirmed their candidacy

“The two candidates who came first in the first round are therefore Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen”, announces the President of the Constitutional Council Laurent Fabius, who indicates that the two candidates have confirmed their candidacy in writing, acknowledging their participation in the second round. The final results of the first round of the presidential election will be published tomorrow, at 5:30 p.m., by the Elders of rue de Montpensier.


Five-year term, seven-year term, why does it go on a loop?

The two presidential opponents defend a return to the seven-year term, Marine Le Pen even wishing it “non-renewable”. This term of office had however been abandoned after a referendum in 2000, in order to reduce the risk of cohabitation. More information in our article, to read right here.


More than 10,000 votes canceled in the first round

Laurent Fabius, the President of the Constitutional Council announced on Wednesday that 10,216 votes had been canceled in total after the first round of voting, Sunday April 10.


Emmanuel Macron favorite of a tighter second round than in 2017

The first round, which allowed Emmanuel to obtain a higher score than in 2017 and to grant himself a cushion of a lead of just under five points over Marine Le Pen, would he have breathed new life into the Past President ? It is far too early to say, as the campaign and the debate in the second round could prove to be decisive. Still, Emmanuel Macron is credited with 55% of the voting intentions, against 45% for his rival (with a margin of error of 3.2 points). This is the first time since March 30 that such a discrepancy has not been observed since the start of our daily survey on March 12. Find our daily poll between the two rounds, carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria, with our partner Franceinfo.


The Jean-Jaurès foundation calls for a vote for Macron

“In 2002, we demonstrated against the presence of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. Fifteen years later, in 2017, when Marine Le Pen qualified for the second round, we also stood up. Today, once again, we must mobilize,” writes the Jean-Jaurès Foundation in a press release. The far right remains synonymous with “contempt for democracy and the rule of law, dismantling of the European Union, xenophobia, rejection of the weakest”, she continues. “This means, for each and every one of us who belong to the Republican camp, one very simple thing and only one thing: to go and vote and vote Emmanuel Macron. »


Mélenchon calls on his supporters to vote for the second round

“As we had committed to it, the consultation for the second round is open on our platform”, writes the leader of the Insoumis on Twitter. If Mélenchon has already called “not to give a single voice to the far right”, his activists are invited to determine the course of action to adopt for the second round of the ballot. White vote, null vote, or vote for Emmanuel Macron, the result of the consultation will be made public after April 16, 8 p.m. and “should not be interpreted as an instruction given to anyone, neither between us nor for those who listen to us and trust us”.


The conference disrupted by a protester

As Marine Le Pen defended herself earlier about her closeness to Vladimir Putin, a demonstrator stood up in the room, holding up a heart-shaped sign showing a photo of the RN candidate and the Russian president, before being quickly (and violently) evacuated by the security services.


No exit from the Paris climate agreement for Le Pen

The candidate believes that the agreement is an effective tool for orientation, protection of the environment and biodiversity and the fight against global warming. It will therefore not repeal it.


“French interests” before “global issues”

For Marine Le Pen, “French diplomacy must be directed not in favor of major global, feminist or environmental issues, but in favor of French interests.” Because “rich countries do not have a vocation (…) to impose their way of life on poor countries,” she said.


Measures to maintain Franco-German friendship

If Marine Le Pen undertakes to cut short the strategic collaborations between France and Germany, she still aims to put in place a certain number of measures to maintain relations between our two countries. Among these measures, “the relaunch of the learning of German in schools” and the “strengthening of French and German within the European institutions which do not have to remain almost exclusively English-speaking”, according to the candidate far-right.


Le Pen wants to end strategic cooperation with Germany

“Germany is asserting itself as the absolute negative of French strategic identity,” judge Marine Le Pen. “Taking note of these fundamental differences, which are irreconcilable strategic differences, we will stop all cooperation with Berlin”, announces the candidate. “Combat planes, as tanks of the future… to pursue our own replacement programs for the Leclerc tank and the rafale”, she illustrates. “I would also end French support for German demands for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. »


Le Pen wants to convince Germany “of the merits” of the French energy mix

“I will not let Germany destroy the French nuclear industry”, assures the candidate of the National Rally at a press conference. “I will endeavor to convince our German partners (…) of the merits of the French energy model based mainly on nuclear power and hydroelectricity,” promises Marine Le Pen again.


Le Pen will not reproduce the “Macron-Merkel model” of Franco-German relations

“If I was able to strongly criticize Angela Merkel (…) I would like to emphasize that I do not harbor any hostility towards the German nation”, indicates Marine Le Pen during her press conference devoted to diplomacy and foreign policy. . “Each nation has its own genius (…), I will cherish as De Gaulle and Adenauer then Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Helmut Schmidt who forged it did, Franco-German reconciliation, without however following the Macron-Merkel model of French blindness to Berlin ”, judges the candidate of the RN.


Marine Le Pen confirms that she wants to leave “the integrated commander of NATO”

The candidate of the National Rally confirms that she wants to “leave the integrated commander of NATO”. Marine Le Pen also wants to apply a “diplomacy of silence” and maintain bilateral relations, without relying solely on European or international institutions. She also pleads, with regard to the conflict in Ukraine, “a strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia. »


Marine Le Pen talks about foreign policy

The candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, begins a press conference in Paris dedicated to foreign policy, after a previous one yesterday on democracy. “We must restore France’s unique place in the world,” she explains.


Republicans will have to tighten their belts

“The 2022 budget is solid, but we must find room for maneuver to help legislative candidates,” reveals the treasurer of the Republicans, Daniel Fasquelle. Blame it on Valérie Pécresse’s poor score, which deprives the party of reimbursement of campaign expenses and makes a hole in the cash flow.

The treasurer of LR explains to the Journal du Dimanche having budgeted “8 million for the presidential and legislative elections”, “given 5.5 million euros to Valérie Pécresse and agreed to lend 2.5 million euros”.

For the upcoming legislative elections, LR still intends to help each candidate up to 5,000 euros, he specifies, promising that “the objective of 5,000 euros will be met”. LR needs to find around 3 million euros to help the candidates in the legislative elections.


The president of Young LR will not vote Macron

“The voices of the French do not belong to anyone”, justifies Guilhem Carayon. The president of the Young Republicans, former spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse, announces in an interview with the Sunday newspaper that he will not vote for the outgoing president, assuming to vote white.

“We have to start again on solid foundations, on our values, get out of the elements of language that are part of the old world. The voting instructions are part of it, ”continues Guilhem Carayon, thinking however that “our ideas are in the majority in the country, but that the voices of the right have been scattered between different candidates”.


Jewish institutions call for a vote for Macron

The main Jewish institutions in France, including the Consistory and the Crif, are calling for a vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election, in the name of defending “republican values”.

“The Central Consistory of France, deeply attached to its motto Religion and Homelandenjoins the French to mobilize massively on April 24 to make triumph, by the way of the ballot boxes, France which gathers us ”, writes the representative institution of the Jewish worship in a press release.


PS National Council in a week

The Socialist Party will convene its National Council next Tuesday, a sort of “parliament” of the party, to take stock of the presidential election and monitor progress on possible agreements for the legislative elections.


The mayor of Toulouse Jean-Luc Moudenc calls to vote Macron

In a press release published this Friday, the LR mayor of Toulouse Jean-Luc Moudenc calls for a vote for the outgoing president in the second round of the presidential election. He says he is “disappointed with the score of Valérie Pécresse” who, according to him, had “the most solid project” and the “best financed”. The president of Toulouse Métropole then considers that “the annihilation of the formations which have governed France alternately for a long time” constitutes “a very great danger for France”. Before making his announcement, defending an essential gathering of French people: “I will vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election”.


Macron opposes online anonymity

“You can’t walk around in the street wearing a hood. On the Internet, people allow themselves, because they are hooded behind a nickname, to say the worst abjections, ”laments in an interview with Point the president candidate Emmanuel Macron. “In a democratic society, there should be no anonymity,” he explains, without saying whether he wishes to ban it.


Génération.s calls to vote Macron

Founded by Benoit Hamon, the Génération.s movement calls for voting for Emmanuel Macron “to beat the far right”. “We will take our part in the political fight that is coming and will respond favorably to initiatives allowing the gathering of environmentalists and the left,” he also wrote in a press release.

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