accused of having been slow to react, Ferrero disputes

by time news

According to European health surveillance agencies, the first case detected in England dates back to December 21, without the link with Kinder chocolates having been established.

Could Ferrero have reacted earlier to the presence of salmonella in its Kinder products, responsible for 150 contaminations in Europe? Since the end of March, the number of patients affected by salmonellosis, whose symptoms resemble those of gastroenteritis, has continued to swell with cases detected in nine European countries. The NGO Foodwatch accuses the manufacturer of having been slow to react when it had identified the presence of salmonella in its Kinder factory in Belgium in mid-December.

The first alert about contamination dates back to March 23 when the British authorities notified the Italian group that its products could be the source of salmonella contamination. But, according to European health surveillance agencies, the first case detected in England dates back to December 21, without the link with Kinder chocolates having been established. “So what did Ferrero do between December and March?”asks Camille Dorioz, head of campaigns for Foodwatch, who is also surprised that the recall of products in France was only ordered on April 4.

The French branch of the confectioner has “was alerted only on March 30 by the British authorities”, replies the management. Ferrero indicates that it had, on December 15, identified and blocked in its Belgian factory batches contaminated with salmonella and said that it had taken hygiene measures to eliminate the presence of the bacterium. As for the Belgian health authorities, at that time, they were not notified, we specify at the confectioner. “The investigation is ongoing and aims to understand why people fell ill when the products had been blocked”we explain at Ferrero France about the investigations carried out by the Belgian justice.

SEE ALSO – Salmonella, listeria, E.Coli… What are the risks?

Key period for Ferrero

All of the chocolates produced in the Arlon factory – mainly Kinder Surprise and Schoko-Bons – were finally recalled on April 8. For lack of guarantees, the Belgian health agency ordered the closure of the factory, damaging the image of the brand a few days before Easter, the peak period for chocolate sales.

Ferrero women “the impression of trying to escape his responsibilities”believes Foodwatch, which is indignant at a “lack of transparency”. The NGO first criticizes the first product recalls in France under “sprinkling form”, concerning only certain batches, whereas this infection, generally benign, can sometimes prove to be fatal. “Easter eggs and other Kinder Maxi Mix bunnies are not the only ones affected by the scandal”warns the NGO in a press release, according to which Kinder products could have been contaminated as early as last Christmas.

For Foodwatch, the company has “played the game of not seen, not taken”. “The holiday season is a good time for Ferrero who obviously preferred to try everything for everything and not proceed with a withdrawal-recall at that time”judges the NGO. “These are not risky products”, opposes the confectioner, who points out that Christmas products, such as Advent calendars, left the factory before October 15, the start of the chocolate recall period. If they are also recalled today, it is “for the sake of standardization and good understanding of consumers”, says Ferrero.

These contaminations and those with the E. coli bacteria caused by the consumption of Buitoni pizzas have multiplied criticism of self-checks, which are mandatory in the French food industry. “It’s always the same thing: there is an epidemic, the investigation goes back to a product, and we discover a posteriori that there have been positive self-checks and that nothing has been done”deplores Camille Dorioz.

Given its symptoms very similar to those of gastroenteritis, it will be difficult to know if other cases of salmonellosis have been caused by the consumption of these Kinder products. “All procedures have been reinforced”assures the French branch of the confectioner, which defends the effectiveness of its self-checks and indicates that it is “of the first recall operated in 70 years”.

SEE ALSO – Kinder: Ferrero recalls hundreds of tons of chocolates for suspected salmonella

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