Old age, one becomes elderly only after the age of 75

by time news

Old age, one becomes elderly after the age of 75

The news may hearten many because it is practically confirmed that, from today, you become old only after the age of 75. It is true that, for many, the age is not the one written on the identity card, the registrybut what it feels like, the biological. But hearing from official sources gives you some confidence. In fact, the Italian society of geriatrics and gerontology (SIGG), as well as several other health sources, argued that one becomes elderly no earlier than the age of 75. Life expectancy has increased significantly in recent years. Just thirty years ago, in the nineties, the average life span was around 63 yearsnow we are almost 83, more precisely 82 as we went back a year due to Covid. Twenty years more, not an era, but the real problem is getting there in an acceptable state of health. But this, the Italian data, does not seem to confirm it.

Old age, for Italy a problem that is approaching

The near future, as far as the aging of our country is concerned, is not exactly rosy. In over 20 years, as Istat data indicate, the over 65s will exceed 20 million in Italy, practically a third of Italians. On the other hand, the under 25 will be less than 14 million. To date, the statistical picture undoubtedly captures a country that is aging and that is approaching the “old Japan” in this field. For every 100 teenagers under 15, there are nearly 170 men and women over 65 and 7% of the senior population over 80. Forgetting for a moment the economic sustainability of a pension system that every year expands its number of pensioners and at the same time tightens its contribution base, there are so many difficulties that many “seniors” experience from a social, economic and social security point of view.

Old age, 60% of the elderly need help

Also according to the Institute of Statistics almost the 60% of the elderly in Italy need to be supported and in this percentage men are in the majority compared to women. And the help comes both from the family and from home assistance, assistance that should, however, be reorganized at the territorial level. The limits of this criticality have strongly emerged during the pandemic where what was missing at the beginning, and in many cases, was the assistance of the general practitioner. 10% of over 65s and between 25-50% of over 85s present a situation of fragility, a condition that sooner or later is destined to become a disability. Precisely to prevent this fragility, it is urgent to reorganize the local health system. The the Italian health system is still very much oriented towards hospitalization. With this generational trend, made up of few births and an increase in the average life span, it is increasingly evident that caring for the elderly will be a bet that the country will have to face and, possibly, win.

Old age, new technologies help

In aid of this solidarity and health objective there are not only families or relatives, but also new technologies. Let’s think for example to the alarm signalers who detect the moments of difficulty of the elderly and lonely person by warning who can be of help, to cell phones adapted to those with sight or hearing problems, and to many other technologies that can help. In many European countries it is quite common, and certainly more developed than in Italy, to have it available a doctor in videoconference on the computer. Of course, in many cases it is necessary to help the elderly to operate with this new system or perhaps support him if he does not have the means but how much saving in time, money and effort there would be if the first visit were made via video call and perhaps also the subsequent checks. ?

Old age, good relationships for seniors are great medicine

Fortunately, however, even if the numbers on the aging population are constantly growing, many elderly people still want to have relationships, do physical activity, and not only live in the family but want to interface in the community where they can compare, discuss, socialize. Another great enemy of seniors is loneliness, very often the cause of physical decay sometimes greater than that caused by health problems. There are many geriatricians who agree in saying that “a network of social relationships helps in everyday life much more than many medicines”. Unfortunately, over 600,000 elderly people live alone and almost 60% are not autonomous. This is the first group that should be helped the most, not only by families but by a health system able to control (even remotely) the daily health status, managing to prevent serious and sudden problems thanks to new technologies. Also in this way it will help to win the challenge that Italy, and not only Italy, is beginning to face.

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