Ukraine, Father Taras from Kiev: “Via Crucis with Ukrainian and Russian woman? It is not appropriate”

by time news

“I think it is not the time to bring together a Russian woman and a Ukrainian to carry the Cross together, because these women represent the two countries that are at war. When one side continues to attack, and the other is a victim, it is not still time to do a similar action “. This is the clear opinion in of Father Taras Zheplinsky from Kiev, a young activist priest of the Communication Department of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine, who comments on the controversies following the announced idea of ​​Pope Francis and the Vatican to hold one of the thirteen Stations of the Cross scheduled at the Colosseum for two women, one Russian and one Ukrainian together as a symbolic gesture of peace.

“It is a very nice gesture on the part of the Pope but not for this period – Father Taras urges – When we put together a Ukrainian woman and a Russian woman, this is a gesture of peace and forgiveness and reconciliation. But first the war must end, and it is necessary to indicate the attacker, say his name. The attacker should take the blame, the responsibility, then there can be reconciliation. ” If he is opposed to the fact that the Russian woman has spoken out against the war, the 28-year-old Ukrainian parish priest says: “In this context, the woman represents a country that has been attacking for fifty days, it is not yet time to put the aggressor and the victim together. The cross of Cain is not that of Abel “.

If it is true, in fact, observes Father Taras, that the Passion of Christ is to carry the cross, “Ukraine and Russia carry two different crosses, and it is not correct that they get together to carry a single cross without this happening before having judged and stopped the aggressor “. In fact, in the newspapers, according to the Kiev priest’s notice, it was not emphasized that “it is a Russian woman ‘against the war’. The public has simply perceived that these two women are brought together, and this is not good in this case. moment”. The fact, however, that the Russian woman has spoken out against Putin’s war “is fine – adds Father Taras – So many Russians should leave the house, raise their heads and show Putin that they do not agree with the war, because this is an unjust war. If you are against it, you have to say it. “

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