Football: “He is really upset”, the mother of the child jostled by Ronaldo does not hide his dismay

by time news

It’s an embarrassing case for Cristiano Ronaldo. The Manchester United star has been in turmoil since last Saturday. At Everton, in addition to the defeat (1-0), CR7 tarnished his image when returning to the locker room. Hit in the leg, Ronaldo leans forward then slaps the hand of a child who was filming him and destroys his phone. The former Real Madrid player was quick to react by posting an apology on social media. The case could have ended there.

But the mother of Jacob, the child Ronaldo broke the phone to, reacted to the LiverpoolEcho. “He filmed all the United players passing. And then he put his phone down because Ronaldo had taken his sock down and his leg was bleeding. He lowered his phone to see what it was. He didn’t even speak to her. Ronaldo then walked past him in a terrible mood. He tapped the phone and my son’s hand and kept walking. You can tell by the bruise that he had contact. »

Suffering from autism and dyspraxia, Jacob would not have recovered from this scene with Cristiano Ronaldo. “He didn’t really digest what happened until he got home. He’s an autistic boy and he was mugged by a football player, that’s how I see him as a mom. He is really upset and it completely discouraged him from going to the game. It’s the first time he’s been to a football game and this is what happens. »

In addition to his apologies, Cristiano Ronaldo offered to invite Jacob as a “sign of fair play and sporting friendship”. That won’t stop Mersey Police from taking an interest in the case and saying they were “in contact with Manchester United Football Club and Everton FC following reports of an alleged assault. during the Everton-Manchester United football match. »

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