Vote Kodos!

by time news

TRIBUNE — We must not confuse the fact of not understanding with that of pretending not to understand. Events and behaviors appear illogical, but only to an ill-chosen interpretation. The math dummies who govern and dominate us are unaware that science, which founds stoicism under the name of logic, is, to paraphrase Bourdieu, a combat sport. For the stoic, happiness is in the virtue, the firmness of the soul, but also in the edification of the spirit. He knows that the adequacy of form to substance is broken down into two principles:

– correction: if the speech makes sense, then the thing it evokes must be proven;

– completeness: if an event occurs, then the discourse must report it faithfully.

Read also: About the “math dummies” who pursue careers in science

The background is imposed on us: it is Nature, the real world. The speech, we choose it more or less freely, and we also suffer it, most of the time when it comes from the elites. We find that the logic of political discourse is always complete: those in charge always have something to say about everything and always with a specific purpose. But the correction is almost never appropriate: ” Unemployed people don’t want to work », « There is no persecution in Palestine », « A strange virus will decimate the planet », « RNA vaccines are safe and effective », « Putin is the new Hitler », « NATO is the camp of good “, etc. All of this has no counterpart in the real world.

The first instinct is to tell oneself that it is logic that is at fault. The problem becomes philosophical: we are modest beings faced with a world that is far too complex. The intellectual becomes the privileged interlocutor. After careful study, accepting the pragmatism inherent in human clans, it appears that the contradiction is only a facade. The discourse is chosen not according to its ability to describe reality, but to that of disguising it in order to make people believe that reality is different. The problem becomes political: we are beings of desire faced with events that frustrate us. We want certain people to believe that reality is such that it protects our interests. The privileged interlocutor is then the activist.

See also: “We move away from reality by preserving our system of beliefs at all costs” Jean-Dominique Michel

We see the duplicity of the elites by simply listening to them. Dominique de Villepin’s position, when he denounces the hypocrisy of NATO on a television set (C dans l’air, March 6, 2022), proves that the elites are not fooled: they know very well that the NATO is a club of scavengers sowing war since its creation to monopolize the wealth of nations. When the same de Villepin sold to a sacrificed youth a leonine work contract (the CPE, First Hire Contract), he knew very well which camp he was serving.

It is not necessary to be stoic to witness the bankruptcy of virtue and to observe the absence of soul of these elites who lie to us permanently to rob the people and fatten their accomplices. They formed a mafia pact to loot the community. Well, it’s really simple. We can dress the reasoning in the tinsel of science, the reality remains the same when we state it without filter. John Buchan wrote the same thing in his novel “ The power plant » :

“Civilization is a conjuration. Modern life is the unspoken pact of the owners to maintain their claims. And this pact will be effective until the day when another one is made to rob them. »

As Governor of Canada on behalf of the King of England, Buchan evidently took the side of the elites: it is the villain of the novel who utters these words. Hell is the popular will. The Devil is the one who takes from the rich to give back to the poor. As for the angels, they slaughter the demons.

Human balance is no different from natural ecosystems. There are predators and prey that fight an eternal struggle. Nature finds the point of balance by itself. And when she fails to find it, the unsuitable species disappear. From the pen of Lord Buchan, Baron Tweedsmuir, the willful people are evil, doomed to damnation. In that of Frédéric Bastiat, defender of rights, the same conspiracy takes on a completely different flavor:

“When spoliation has become the means of existence of an agglomeration of men united among themselves by social ties, they soon make a law which sanctions it, a morality which glorifies it. »
(Economic fallacies, second series – Physiology of spoliation)

The intellectuals are only the mouthpieces of the elites; they are charged by the latter to state the ideology of pillage and to make the morality of spoliation acceptable to the public. The media and politicians literally drown us in fear and violence, promise us disease, war and famine, even rejoice in it, and forbid anyone to dare to dream of a little freedom, peace or even respect. Any dissenting voice receives the muzzle. It is therefore necessary to tack to be heard, to encrypt its speech to make it apparently harmless for the power in place.

We should therefore not be surprised to see the sticky reality of social relations permeate court works as much as entertainment fiction. The professor of logic Charles Dodgson, a hobby writer under the name of Lewis Carroll, also revealed a part of this unspeakable reality by jabbering his Big Coco. Television sets, ministries, courtrooms, all these giant egg cups are full of Gros Coco:

“When I use a word,” said Big Coco in a rather disdainful tone, “it means exactly what I want it to mean…no more, no less.”
– The question is whether you can make the words mean different things.
– The question is who will be the master, period. »
(Through the Looking Glass, 1871)

The popular culture Stoic (known in modern terms as a ” geek “), also fond of philosophical nectar, will fondly recall episode 1 of season 8 of The Simpsons: ” Citizen Kang “. Kang and Kodos, two slimy green alien squids, want to invade Earth. They kidnap Bill Clinton and Bob Dole then fighting for the presidency of the United States, summarily eliminate them, then put on their skin as a disguise in order to be elected in their place. They are finally unmasked during an election debate by Homer Simpson, another well-known philosopher, who reveals to the crowd their true nature as tentacled Cyclops. The two hideous retort to the public: “ It’s a two-party system: you have to vote for one of us! Democracy is like that. Eventually, Kang is elected and mankind enslaved. At the end of the episode, Marge Simpson complains about the whippings she receives from her foreman and Homer replies: ” I had nothing to do with it, I voted for Kodos! »

A stupid cartoon released, one evening at prime time, a concentrate of cynicism and lucidity. Once again, raw reality imposed its cold hand on the stupid TV audience through a work deemed innocuous. But in the information age, even the challenge has been taken over: everything is spectacle, nothing makes sense. Everything is sold, everything is worth. Buy the DVD, then go vote! When you find yourself having to choose between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the French clones of our two sticky cephalopods, when you have paid dearly for the ticket to this sordid cinema, you will do like Homer: you will vote Kodos and democracy will triumph.

There is still time to choose sides. But there remains a problem, always the same: the people’s camp never has a candidate in the elections. The elites watch over it carefully.

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