A comet the size of Rhode Island is approaching Earth and will arrive in 2031

by time news

Scientists have revealed that a huge comet is heading towards Earth at a high speed, and is expected to reach the Earth’s circumference in 2031, stressing at the same time that it does not pose a threat to our planet.

The scientists drew attention to the comet, which is comparable in size to the US state of Rhode Island, with a nucleus of 85 miles wide, and that this nucleus is about 50 times larger than those found in other comets, and its mass is estimated at 500 trillion tons.

According to what scientists have observed with the Hubble Space Telescope, the comet is moving at a speed of 22,000 miles per hour (about 35,000 kilometers per hour) from the edge of our solar system, and it will approach us in 2031. But it will never approach the sun by more than a billion miles. According to what was reported by “NASA”.

Scientists say; The sun’s heat warms the comet as it approaches, causing parts of it to evaporate, or go from a solid to a gas. This is why comets are so blurry when we see them through telescopes.

Read also: An asteroid approaching Earth .. “it will be large enough to destroy a continent.”

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