LFI proposes to ecologists and communists to form a coalition

by time news

The Insoumis propose to ecologists and communists to form a coalition for the legislative elections, the basis of which would be “a shared common program” established “from” that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in two letters made public on Friday.

The Insoumis, who have not sent their letters to the Socialist Party, are offering their competitors on the left to join a common label, that of the Popular Union, in order to build “a political majority in the National Assembly”, writes the deputy Adrien Quatennens, coordinator of La France insoumise, and Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group at the National Assembly.

On the strength of the 22% of the votes obtained by their presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, they believe that the basis of this majority “must be a shared common program. It would be established from the one who has collected the most votes in the presidential election: + The future in common +, each maintaining its own program elsewhere. But in legislative action, it will serve as a reference for the votes to be cast”.

“This new stage will obviously be a coalition of parties and movements but also of personalities and association and union figures”, continue the signatories, who also include Aurélie Trouvou, president of the Parliament of the Popular Union, and Manuel Bompard, president of the delegation. LFI in the European Parliament.

“They will meet in a new parliament, like the parliament of the People’s Union, reconstituted for this election. Obviously, everyone will remain free of their expression, their organization and their choices”, they assure, “but all will undertake to form an intergroup in the National Assembly to support the government of our majority or to oppose without flaw or compromise the power that would be there”.

They propose to ecologists and communists to meet them to discuss in particular “the constitution of a new Parliament, like the Parliament of the People’s Union”, and “the attribution of the common label for candidatures for the elections legislative”.

For them, “the distribution base could be that established by the voters in the first round of the presidential election, in the application of the proportional principle common to our respective programs”.

But the Insoumis underline that “our relations have been seriously degraded during this campaign”, after the “often hurtful accusations and (the) assessments according to which there are insurmountable difficulties between us”.

“Therefore, a last-minute arrangement for simple concerns of electoral rescue of organizations would be misunderstood”, they argue, demanding that environmentalists and communists undertake “to cease the attacks” and to “explain themselves in front of voters.

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