Presidential: what to expect for this Saturday of demonstrations in Paris?

by time news

Despite the mild weather and the long Easter weekend, this Saturday does not promise to be easy in Paris. Because this weekend also marks that of the between-two-rounds. The opportunity for those dissatisfied with the results of the presidential election to make their voices heard.

Several demonstrations are planned in the capital. Some to show opposition to the far right, others for the desire not to see a second term for Emmanuel Macron.

Mobilization against the extreme right

A major demonstration is planned this Saturday from 2 p.m. Place de la Nation to Place de la République in Paris, at the initiative of the League for Human Rights, several professional and student unions (CGT, FSE, FSU, FAGE, Unef, Syndicat des avocats de France, Syndicat de la magistrature, etc.) and numerous associations and collectives.

Also joining this movement are the Right to Housing, Greenpeace France, Osez le féminisme, SOS Racisme, the Cimade (Inter-Movement Committee for Evacuees), the Solidarity March and groups engaged in the fight for the environment such as Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth or “The far right is once again present in the second round of the presidential election, with an unprecedented level of votes. We refuse to see her come to power”, pleads the press release, which invites to demonstrate not only in Paris but also “everywhere in France”.

More anti-pass protests

The Patriots – a movement founded by the former close friend of Marine Le Pen, Florian Philippot – are organizing a demonstration “of opposition to Emmanuel Macron” in the capital this Saturday. According to the press release, she will leave at 3 p.m. from Place Fontenoy (7th arrondissement) and several personalities opposed to the outgoing president will speak, such as Nicolas Dupont-Aignan – who called for a vote for Marine Le Pen in the second round.

Other demonstrations, unrelated to the between-two-towers, are also planned in Paris this Saturday. The Yellow Vests opposed to the health pass will march from Place d’Italie to Place de la Nation from 11 a.m., while another rally against the vaccine pass must take the same route as the big demonstration against the far right. , leaving from Place de la Nation at 1 p.m.

Finally, a last movement, this time in support of Ukraine, will follow the path in the opposite direction, starting from Place de la République to reach Nation.

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