Covid today Italy, Rt and incidence in decline: hospitalizations are increasing

by time news

Covid today in Italy, Rt and incidence decreasing in the period from 16 to 29 March. This is what is revealed by the weekly monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) and the Ministry of Health on the epidemiological trend of Covid-19. The average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases of Covid stands at 1 (range 0.94 – 1.09), therefore a decrease compared to the previous week.

“The transmissibility index based on hospitalized cases decreases slightly and falls below the epidemic threshold: Rt 0.92 (0.9-0.94) as of April 5 against Rt 1.03 (1.00- 1.05) as of March 29 “, reads the report.

The decrease in the weekly incidence of Covid 19 cases in Italy continues. In fact, on a national level, it drops to 717 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, between 8 and 14 April, against 776 cases per 100,000 inhabitants between 1 and 7 April.

There is a slight increase in hospitalizations in medical departments for patients with Covid 19 while attendance in intensive care is decreasing. In particular, the employment rate in intensive care yesterday was 4.2% (daily survey by the Ministry of Health) against 4.7% on 7 April. The employment rate in medical areas nationwide, again yesterday, was 15.6% (daily survey by the Ministry of Health) against 15.5% on 7 April.

The percentage of Covid 19 cases detected through contact tracing is slightly down (12% versus 13% last week). On the other hand, the percentage of cases detected through the appearance of symptoms is increasing (41% versus 38%), while the percentage of cases diagnosed through screening activities slightly decreases (47% versus 48%).

This week only “one region is classified as high risk due to multiple resilience alerts”. Eight Regions are classified “at moderate risk, one of which with a high probability of progression at high risk”. All the others are classified as “low risk” according to the weekly monitoring of the ISS and the Ministry of Health.

“Sixteen Regions and Autonomous Provinces report at least one single resilience alert. Three report multiple resilience alerts,” the report indicates.

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