Presidential: pension reform, disabled adult allowance… what to remember from the interview with Emmanuel Macron

by time news

Pension reform, deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH), wearing the veil, protection of women victims of violence… Now nine days before the second round of the presidential election, the candidate president Emmanuel Macron was the guest of the morning show of Franceinfo to answer questions from guests on social issues and clarify certain points of its program.

The objective for the head of state? Convincing and rallying left-wing sensibilities while Marine Le Pen and the National Rally have never been so close to gaining access to the Élysée. “You have to accept to choose for something which is perhaps not totally what you think but which comes closest to it”, notably supported Emmanuel Macron, by analyzing the differences between his project and that of his campaign rival.

Pensions will reintegrate “elements on arduousness”

Emmanuel Macron procrastinates on his pension reform. After announcing that he was considering a legal retirement age of 65, then 64, the outgoing president is now considering a referendum and ensures that his approach is not “dogmatic”. This morning, on Franceinfo, he assures us that he « there will always be a clear advantage for long careers”, and indicates that will be reintegrated “elements on the arduousness, the most difficult tasks, which will allow to have bonuses and to leave earlier”.

So that retirees can cope with the increase in the cost of living, amplified by the war in Ukraine, the Head of State announces that he wants to index retirement pensions to inflation. “As of this summer, I want us to be able to increase pensions by 4% for all retirees,” he said. In the event of re-election, Emmanuel Macron also wants the minimum retirement pension (currently 980 euros) to be “raised to 1,100 euros, including for current retirees”. This increase will be made “from the pension reform », he assures.

Emmanuel Macron finally affirmed that the age of cancellation of the discount (from which the French can benefit from a pension at the full rate even without having contributed in full) will not change. He will therefore remain at 67 years old.

Tavares’ salary deemed “shocking and excessive”

The emoluments of Carlos Tavares, CEO of the Stellantis group, ex-PSA group, who will receive a salary of 19 million euros, including 2 million fixed salary and nearly 47 million more if he meets his objectives, is controversial . Emmanuel Macron deemed this salary “shocking” and “excessive”. The presidential candidate believes that “we must lead the fight as Europeans so that we have remuneration that cannot be abusive (…) otherwise society will explode”. The salary of Carlos Tavares, of nearly 66 million therefore, is record remuneration for a French boss. This is around 10 or 15 times the average total compensation of a CAC 40 chairman.

Couple tax and disabled adult allowance (AAH)

Asked about his desire to make joint tax returns for couples who are neither PACS nor married and possible abuses, Emmanuel Macron says he is in favor of a more flexible system. “I believe in the society of trust and I do not believe in the multiplication of abuses. The idea is to have a more flexible system. It fits our way of life,” he said. “It is a modification of our system, I think it is quite possible”, he further defended, announcing that there would be “declarations on honor”. And to add: “The idea behind all this is to have a more flexible system that allows us to support the lives of our compatriots in a more appropriate way”.

Asked then about the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH), Emmanuel Macron assures us “that we must move on this point”, which was not currently on his program. “Today what is true is that whatever your situation, we look at your family situation and therefore we look at the couple’s ability to contribute. It creates an aberrant situation for people with disabilities so we are going to move it, ”certifies the candidate president. He thus proposes, either to deconjugalize the AAH, “or to have another income which makes it possible to accompany without there being this ax” which weighs on the people in situation of handicap.

“The veil is not an obsession”

Asked about his relationship to the veil, Emmanuel Macron indicates that it is “not an obsession” for him and his government. He underlines in passing “that there are neighborhoods where young girls would not like to have a veil, all these situations exist”, but assures: “I have tried during this five-year term to ensure that our compatriots whose religion is the Islam to live it in the most peaceful way possible. »

If the veil is according to him a “symptom” of a tension in the country, he affirms not to carry the ambition to change the rules, whether for the guides of school outings or on the subject of the veil at the university. .

File men guilty of domestic violence

On the care of women victims of domestic violence, Emmanuel Macron proposes to “file” the men who have been the subject of “complaint filings” or handrails so that we “may know that he already has a history and have an additional alert”. He also ensures that the police are now better trained than before to collect complaints and support women victims of violence. “Now we have trained the police and the gendarmes. All those who leave school are trained,” he says. A record of sex offenders is also envisaged, this should take the form of an “administrative record”, like the S files, according to the candidate.

Public service and education

Emmanuel Macron indicates that the minimum civil service index, for category C, will be increased by 34 euros per month on May 1. The candidate then promises a reform in the summer and aims to set up a “revaluation of the point” without giving more details. During the summer, “we want to carry out a complete reform of the organization of the public service and there will be a revaluation of the point, so that it makes it possible to support the elements of purchasing power”, he said. he explains.

The outgoing president finally reaffirmed his desire to implement an allowance for high school students in the vocational stream during their compulsory internships in companies. A measure demanded for a long time for these students often from disadvantaged backgrounds.

French children in Syria

Asked about orphans born to French parents still present in Syria, Emmanuel Macron assures that they will be repatriated, but does not however give more details on the deadlines for their returns. “These operations will be carried out”, affirms the President of the Republic.

Debt repayment and Prime Minister

On the economic side, Emmanuel Macron says he wants start “to repay the debt” from 2026. For this, he wants to invest, “by relaunching the ecological transition to create jobs”, by “lowering taxes” and “lowering the deficit”.

Asked in conclusion about the possibility of appointing a leftist Prime Minister at the head of a future government, he promises to associate “all the talents” who would like to join him in a possible second term. Praising in particular “the remarkable work” of his Budget Minister Olivier Dussopt, who had “not voted the first budgets in 2017”.

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