61,555 new cases and 133 deaths – time.news

by time news
from Paola Caruso

Data for Friday 15 April. The positivity rate was 15.5% with 397,482 swabs. Hospitalizations: -95 (the total number of patients in the non-critical area falls below the threshold of 10 thousand). Intensive care: -1

I’m 61.555
the new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday there were 64,951, here the bulletin). It goes up like this at least 15.595.302 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I am 133 (yesterday 149), for a total of 161,469 victims from February 2020.

People recovered or discharged they are altogether 14.214.909 e 70.895 those that have become negative in the last 24 hours (yesterday 65,664). The positive current – the subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 1.218.924equal to -8,738 compared to yesterday (-196 the day before).

The swabs and the scenario

I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) processed are 397.482, or 40,893 less than yesterday when it was 438,375. The positivity rate rises to 15.5% (the approximation of 15.48%); yesterday it was 14.8%.

The descent of the curve is so slow that in some days it stops. The comparison with last Friday (April 8) – when they were recorded +66,535 cases with a rate of 15%, shows this trend: it is true that today there are fewer new infections than that day, but the higher percentage (15.5% against 15%). There are days when you go down and others when you have a stationary or flexing situation.

Lombardy communicates the largest number of new infected: here there are +8,098 cases. Above 6 thousand follow: Lazio (+ 6,947 cases), Campania (+6,679 cases) and Veneto (+6,325 cases).

The incidence and Rt index calculated on the symptomatics drop, according to the weekly monitoring ISS-Ministry of Health: the incidence stands at 717 per 100 thousand inhabitants (it was 776 per 100 thousand last week) and the RT is reduced to 1 (it was 1.15). The employment rate of intensive schools also decreases, now at 4.2% (it was 4.7%), while that of ordinary hospitalizations slightly rises to 15.6% (it was 15.5%).

The health system

Inpatients in each area decreased for the fourth consecutive day, with patients in non-critical area wards that are below the threshold of 10 thousand. The beds occupied in ordinary Covid wards I am -95 (yesterday-91), for a total of 9,980 hospitalized. The beds occupied in intensive care I am -1 (yesterday -29) – this is the balance between people who entered and left in a day – for a total of 419 seriously ill, with 49 admissions to resuscitation (yesterday 35).

The cases region by region

The data provided below, broken down by region, concerns the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Lombardy: +8,098 cases (yesterday +8,780)
Veneto: +6.325 cases (yesterday +6.861)
Campania: +6.679 cases (yesterday +6.627)
Lazio: +6.947 cases (yesterday +7.200)
Emilia Romagna: +4.748 cases (yesterday +5.069)
Piedmont: +3.359 cases (yesterday +3.803)
Tuscany: +4,083 cases (yesterday +4,122)
Sicily: +3.705 cases (yesterday +3.747)
Puglia: +4.434 cases (yesterday +5.197)
Walk: +1.922 cases (yesterday +1.894)
Liguria: +1.517 cases (yesterday +1.581)
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +1.060 cases (yesterday +1.229)
Abruzzo: +1.993 cases (yesterday +2.032)
Calabria: +1.858 cases (yesterday +1.837)
Sardinia: +1.803 cases (yesterday +1.711)
Umbria: +1.097 cases (yesterday +1.175)
P. A. Bolzano: +457 cases (yesterday +492)
P. A. Trento: +421 cases (yesterday +463)
Basilicata: +619 cases (yesterday +647)
Molise: +354 cases (yesterday +387)
Valle d’Aosta: +76 cases (yesterday +97)

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.
Here the news of the day.

April 15, 2022 (change April 15, 2022 | 16:48)

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