The portraits of 22 museum directors are on display in Milan

by time news

12. Flaminia Gennari Santori Gallerie Nazionali Barberini Corsini Roma ph. Gerald Bruneau

Ritratte – Directors of Italian museums

I wanted to be a model is a light novel, for teenagers, written by the American Margaret Clark at the end of the last century. The title has become a small catchphrase for girls all over the world, who have tried, almost always in vain, to chase the dream of appearing and becoming famous. In search of a conventional and stereotyped beauty, devoid of personality and content, well represented by TV broadcasts such as The pupa and the nerdalways unaware of the wise words of the French philosopher Voltaire: «Ask a toad what beauty is, what is absolute beauty, what is big kalòn: he will answer you by pointing to his female, with the two big round eyes protruding from the small head, the wide and flat throat, the yellow belly, the brown back ».

Yet until next May 1st in Halls of the Tapestries at the Royal Palace of Milan the photographic exhibition is set up Ritratte – Directors of Italian museums to demonstrate that the passion for their performance on large-format kodakchrome paper is not only of the little girls that mothers would instead want small and chubby, as the subtitle of the above novel reads.

5. Andreina Contessa Historical Museum and Miramare Castle Park Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia Museums ph.  Gerald Bruneau5. Andreina Contessa Historical Museum and Miramare Castle Park Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia Museums ph. Gerald Bruneau

The intent of the photographer Gerald Bruneaualready author of the shots of the exhibition A life as a scientist with the portraits of some of our greatest scientists, exhibited in numerous Italian and international locations (currently it is in Prague, after touching Mexico City in February), and of Bracco Foundation is obviously to enhance theexpertise female presenting the professionals who manage the places of Italian culture.

11. Edith Gabrielli Ministry of Culture Victorian Institute and Palazzo Venezia (ViVe) Rome ph.  Gerald Bruneau11. Edith Gabrielli Ministry of Culture Victorian Institute and Palazzo Venezia (ViVe) Rome ph. Gerald Bruneau

“I wanted to highlight, together with the immeasurable vastness and beauty of the Italian artistic heritage, the beauty of these women who work every day to put museums back at the center of an elaborate cultural proposal online together with the most representative subjects of the realities in which they are immersed, they invite participation, stimulate discussion and critical thinking. ” Thus the Monegasque photographer, who rose to world fame with award-winning services such as those on the Chelsea Hotel in New York, on kids from the street (the undergrounds of Mexico City), on death row inmates in Texas.

13. Alessandra Guerrini Palazzo Reale Genova ph.  Gerald Bruneau13. Alessandra Guerrini Palazzo Reale Genova ph. Gerald Bruneau

The photographic result is brilliant and sharp, eclectic and profound, always identifying both people and specific realities that are called to preserve, protect, enhance and communicate. From Francesca Cappellettidirector of the Galleria Borghese in Rome, ad Alfonsina Russodirector of the Colosseum Archaeological Park, from Virginia Villadirector of the Antonio Stradivari Violin Museum Foundation in Cremona, ad Annalisa Zannidirector of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan, and to the others, engaged in Trieste, Palermo, Modena, Venice and so on, all highlight how the leadership feminine can best carry out the multidisciplinary skills that directing such institutions entails and can fully offer a combination of profound knowledge of the history of art and managerial and creative skills.

6. Antonella Cucciniello Biblioteca e Complesso Monumentale Girolamini Napoli ph.  Gerald Bruneau6. Antonella Cucciniello Biblioteca e Complesso Monumentale Girolamini Napoli ph. Gerald Bruneau

Bruneau’s roundup makes all this visible, he presents it to us almost as in pictorial portraits of other times, full of symbols, references, intentions.

Its rich images in the catalog are complemented by the answers to all the questions: curriculum vitae in a few lines; what prompted you to do this job ?; being a woman in the world of cultural heritage in Italy: three “winning cards” that must not be missing ?; is the cultural heritage in Italy ?; your favorite motto or quote. And the most stimulating answer to the last request, is given in two words by Antonella Cucciniello, director of the Library and Monumental Complex of the Girolamini in Naples: “Don’t panic”.

20. Virginia Villa Fond Antonio Stradivari Violin Museum Cremona ph.  Gerald Bruneau20. Virginia Villa Fond Antonio Stradivari Violin Museum Cremona ph. Gerald Bruneau


Royal Palace – Piazza Duomo n. 12, Milan

via Saint Bon, 20 – Milan

until May 1st

opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday 10 / 19.30; Thursday closing at 10.30pm; Monday closed

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