Russia-Ukraine war: Other countries are not just giving arms to Ukraine, some unknown stories

by time news

Moscow: The war between Russia and Ukraine is going on longer than expected. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Although Russia is a very large military power, the Ukrainian military and people are holding back as much as possible. Foreign countries have supplied Ukraine with numerous shoulder-launched rocket launchers. Helicopters and planes are being used to shoot down Ukrainian fighters, which is a major headache for Russia.

Many NATO nations, including the United States, Britain and Poland, supply Ukraine with weapons. There are also national interests behind the supply of American weapons. Because the US fears that Putin’s occupation of Ukraine will not stop. To confirm this, Russia has barred Sweden and Finland from joining NATO. Russia has unequivocally announced that it will deploy nuclear missiles if provoked.

In the meantime, there is another aspect that goes unnoticed. In the Russo-Ukraine war, the biggest gainers were the western armies. Ukraine’s main weapon is the NLAW, also known as the Next Generation Light Anti – Tank Weapon. They are mainly manufactured by England and Sweden.
The United States is supplying Ukraine with similar javelin missiles. Ukraine is using these relatively inexpensive missiles to shoot down Russian military helicopters worth billions of dollars.

Since the start of the Russian occupation, the United States has supplied Ukraine with weapons worth about $ 2.4 billion. 155 m. The United States has produced numerous weapons through private companies, including M – howitzers, switchable drones, and Stinger anti – aircraft missiles. In addition to the United States, there are about 30 countries providing arms to Ukraine, both alone and wrong.

All of this must be gradually repaid to Ukraine in about 20 years. However, the U.S. has a hand in arms manufacturing companies. The S government will pay. Therefore, the war between Russia and Ukraine, like any other war, is a nightmare for arms dealers.

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