MaPrimRenov’: 1000 euros extra to replace your gas or oil boiler

by time news

As part of the “resilience plan” presented by Jean Castex on March 16, a measure directly concerns the 3.5 million households which, according to INSEE, still heat with fuel oil. From April 15, and until the end of the year, they will benefit from an increase of 1000 euros in MaPrimeRénov’ aid for the replacement of their “fossil” boiler (gas or fuel oil) against a more virtuous heating system, such as a heat pump or a biomass (wood) system.

A bonus which, even temporary, is welcome to say the least. Because for environmental reasons, the installation of new oil-fired boilers will in any case be definitively prohibited from July 1st.

“In the meantime, fuel oil still represents the third heating energy in the country, behind town gas and electricity, recalls Audrey Zermati, strategy director of Effy, a company specializing in supporting individuals in their energy renovation work. . And if its proportion has tended to decrease over the past forty years, it largely persists in the countryside and peri-urban areas. On the other hand, cities have long since turned to town gas, then to electricity.

764 000 files MaPrimRenov’ and 2021

“The total aid can go up to 9000 euros”, had thus tweeted the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, after the announcement of the “resilience plan”. The Minister combines in her calculations two of the major public aids for renovation: MaPrimRenov’ and the system of energy saving certificates (EEC).

The latter forces energy operators (EDF, Engie, TotalEnergies, etc.) to encourage their customers to carry out work or change heating in order to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. In exchange, these operators receive these famous ESCs, as so many good points for having fulfilled the objectives.

Both devices being subject to a means test, the 9,000 euros only concern so-called “very modest” households. The CEEs then pay 4,000 euros; and it is MaPrimRénov’ which goes from 4000 to 5000 euros. As resources increase, support decreases. Until it disappears completely for the highest incomes, for example beyond 79,000 euros of reference tax income for a household of four people living in the Paris region.

In 2021, 764,732 MaPrimeRénov’ files were thus filed, according to Anah (National Housing Agency), which is piloting the system. 644,073 bonuses were finally granted and 372,828 projects were completed and paid for, for a total budget of bonuses slightly over 2 billion euros.

Don’t forget to count the removal of the old boiler!

The combination of the two aids, MaPrimRénov’ and the CEEs, makes it possible to reduce the “residual charge”, that is to say the amount that the household must pay once the aid has been deducted. “If we take the example of an air/water heat pump, the model which precisely makes it possible to replace an oil or gas boiler, continues Audrey Zermati, for a dwelling of around one hundred square meters, its price average is around 12,000 euros. With overall state aid of 9,000 euros, it is therefore necessary to count on an average out-of-pocket payment of 3,000 euros, again for a very modest household. »

Please note that the cost of removing the old boiler must also be included in the budget. MaPrimeRénov’ also supports this step, in addition to the purchase of replacement equipment. “Count 1200 euros of aid on average, further specifies the director of Effy. When the overall cost of intervention is 1500 euros. Households must therefore include at least an additional 300 euros in their budget. »

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