Riots on the Temple Mount; A bus traveling to the Western Wall plaza was pelted with stones

by time news

Tense morning: Hundreds of young people, some of them masked, gathered this morning (Sunday) in the Temple Mount plaza and began to disrupt the order and block the access routes using stones, irons and makeshift checkpoints. At the same time, the compound was opened to the Jewish public. The police forces entered the compound and announced to the worshipers to leave and even used demonstrations. At the same time, they stressed that they intend to allow freedom of worship.

A number of Egged buses on the transportation lines to the Western Wall, including Jewish passengers, were stoned and the passengers were forced to get off the buses and continue on foot. As a result, five people were lightly injured and heavy damage was done to the bus windows. Police and Border Police fighters arrested two suspects in connection with the act, and police forces continue to operate in the area and conduct searches to locate more suspects.

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Later, Palestinians took control of the public address system and the muezzin’s class began shouting incitement. Police forces acted to end the incident while making further arrests. Islamic Jihad attacked: “Renewed attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque reveal Israel’s true intentions.”

Egged bus pelted with stones near the Temple Mount (Photo: social networks)

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