A new collective agreement has been signed in Assuta and will improve the employment conditions of about 700 workers

by time news

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The Histadrut and the Assuta management have signed an agreement that improves the working conditions of the hospital’s and farm workers. Among other things, the employees will receive a regulation of the payment mechanism for standby and hundreds of shekels for professional training

Last Thursday, the Histadrut signed a collective agreement with Assuta Ashdod’s management that improves the working conditions of 700 employees of the director and the economy at the hospital..

The important agreement, which comes at a challenging time for the medical staff in the face of the ongoing corona crisis, was signed in the presence of Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David, Assuta Hospital CEO Erez Birenbaum and Tavor Human Resources VP, And it adds to the wages of the workers.

It was also decided that the readiness and the payment mechanism for them would be regulated, and that a grant would be given to the employees for the benefit of professional training and seminars.. In addition, a gradual comparison will be made in the number and rate of convalescence days provided in the public service, as well as framework agreements that will be signed during the period of the above agreement..

The agreement was made possible thanks to special efforts made by the Histadrut with government ministries, as part of the broader move to regulate the terms of employment of administrative and economic employees in all hospitals in the country..

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David: ““I welcome this agreement, which demonstrates in practice the extent to which the employees of the administration, the economy and the dedicated auxiliary forces are an integral part of the health system and are responsible for the resilience of citizens and the health of patients.”

“These workers” – added Bar-David, “who during the Corona period did and do sacred work, are not transparent and this agreement takes care of improving their wages and conditions.“.

The signing of the agreement is another step by the Histadrut in its efforts to anchor the rights of Assuta employees. This, during a period of health crisis that unfortunately refuses to leave “- said the chairman of the Ashdod region in the Histadrut Haim Shayev.

“We intend to continue striving to improve the employment conditions of all employees in the medical institution and beyond,” Shayev added. “We work day and night for the benefit of the public working in the area – professionally and from the heart, and the result is reflected, among other things, in this agreement.“.

During the formulation of this agreement, Adv. Hila Gver from the Legal Bureau, Deputy Head of the Ashdod Region in the Histadrut, Meir Ben-Gozi, and members of the region took part..

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