The Ministry of Digital Science proposed to collect biometrics from taxi and car-sharing drivers

by time news

The ministry has developed a draft government decree proposing to introduce the collection and processing of biometric data for the identification of taxi drivers and car sharing. The corresponding document was published on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

“Cases of collection and processing of biometric personal data used for … identification and authentication … are identification of drivers of light taxis, identification of drivers of vehicles provided for short-term (up to 24 hours) lease on the basis of per-minute tariffication to individuals for purposes other than related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities by such individuals (car sharing), ”the document says.

The ministry also proposed collecting biometrics for entering the territory of financial market organizations and participating in a meeting of the civil society.

The innovations, if approved, will take effect on January 1.

In early summer, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Industry was discussing with airports pilot projects for registering passengers for a flight using biometric data, without a passport.

A unified biometric system is a digital platform, one of the elements of a person’s identification mechanism based on his biometric data. The system should improve the availability of services that require legally valid proof of identity.

On April 29, the owner of the Novaport holding, Roman Trotsenko, announced that testing of biometric equipment would begin at the holding’s airports by the end of the year. The holding owns 17 airports in various cities of Russia. Testing will begin at the Tolmachevo airport in Novosibirsk.


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