How Parents Prepare for Easter After Kinder Chocolate Recalls

by time news

The Easter bells will soon ring. And from Sunday, many will be the small (and big) greedy and greedy to embark on the traditional egg hunt. But this year, Easter treats may not taste the same as usual, as Kinder has issued major recalls of products contaminated with salmonella and more than 150 cases of salmonellosis have been identified in today in Europe.

On the eve of the Easter weekend, parents are wondering. Can we trust and buy the same Kinder chocolates as usual? Is it better to move towards other brands of mass distribution? Prefer an artisan chocolate maker? Or completely zap the chocolates this year? Torn between concern and serenity, the readers of 20 Minutes tell what the Easter Bells have planned to delight their children.

“For me, Easter = Kinder”, “but I checked the lots”

In recent days, the chocolate giant has multiplied product recalls, specifying which ranges were affected. After having scrupulously consulted her, “I took some Kinder chocolates which were not on the list, indicates Jessica. For the other products, I will wait at least two months before buying them again, until everything is back to normal. But I will continue to buy Kinder, zero risk does not exist and no other factory is immune to this type of incident”. Christophe doesn’t plan to give up his family’s favorite chocolates either. “I had already purchased a product affected by the recall, and after reporting it, I turned to Kinder again, taking other products this time, since only the Arlon factory is involved and that the offending batches were removed from the shelves. Hoping not to have a bad surprise (no pun intended!)”, he jokes.

Aurélie had also “already bought the Easter chocolates before the reminders were made. For the children, I took Maxi Kinder Surprises, which are not subject to a recall, but I regularly check to see if the list is changing. If that were the case, the children will have the surprise toy without eating the chocolate, that’s all”. Alexandre, he “intends to continue to buy them. The taste is inimitable, moreover I bought Kinder which were not affected by the withdrawal. For me, Easter = Kinder! And then, a mistake, it can happen, even to large groups, you just shouldn’t mix up the whole brand”.

“A toy or a book”, but “no chocolates this year”

Others have made a radical choice: “These contaminations are inadmissible, condemns Valérie. Since we can no longer trust the food industry, there will be no chocolates this year, I will not put my children’s lives in danger, they will have a toy or a book instead”. Same cause and same effects for Nadège: “No chocolates this year, the Easter bunny will bring clothes and toys to the children”.

It must be said that the proliferation of health reminders in recent weeks has cooled many consumers. It is for this reason that Raphaëlle will skip Easter. “I will not buy chocolates this year, I was sick for three weeks after eating a pizza contaminated with E. coli, I really thought I was going to go through it… And since I only like Kinder, I don’t want to take any risks”.

“No Kinder at Easter”, “we will buy competing brands”

But not everyone is ready for an Easter weekend without chocolate. So, there will certainly be “no Kinder at Easter, swears Emilie, who nevertheless likes to offer mountains of chocolates to her two daughters on this occasion, but we will buy competing brands like Milka, and in small quantities”. Klervi, a mother who had done all her shopping two weeks ago, will have to start all over again. “I was very happy, for once that I had gotten ahead and bought a lot of Kinder on superpromo with 34% of chocolate purchases credited to the loyalty card. Two days later, I was disillusioned when I learned of the contaminated chocolate recalls! With my husband, we decided to bring back all the Kinder we had bought, that is 80% of our purchases. Even those that are not on the recall list, like the maxi eggs that are only found at Easter and that our children love. This year, we prefer to take no risks, so we turned to Lindt and Milka for our family egg hunt”.

A choice that she is not the only one to have made. Like her, Pauline “brought back several packets of Kinder chocolates to the supermarket, and we bought other brands, after scrupulously checking their origin! But I’m afraid my daughter will be disappointed, she who loves Kinder! Same strategy for Sylvie, who would have “preferred to take Easter chocolates from a craftsman, but it’s too expensive. So I bought some in supermarkets, making sure that they were produced in France. It would have been inconceivable not to offer it to my 4-year-old grandson! »

“We will go to the chocolate maker”, for better “traceability”

“Even if they don’t seem concerned by the recall, we are going to throw away the large Kinder eggs that we bought for our grandchildren, we don’t want to take any risks,” explains Victor. We will go to the local chocolatier”. For Julie, who “bought a few sweets from the chocolate maker, it allows small businesses to work and to know exactly what is in the finished product. But for sure, the budget is not the same,” she admits. Thus, “I favor quality over quantity even if it’s a little more expensive,” adds Anne, who has shunned supermarket chocolates for several years now. “It also contributes to the education of taste”.

Marjorie, she used to buy her chocolates at the supermarket, “but this story illustrates the lack of transparency in the manufacture and control of these products. So I didn’t want to take the risk and this year I’m going to a chocolate factory. Besides, I think of doing the same thing the following years. Admittedly, it’s an extra cost and there will be less to hunt, but it will be much better. I think that all of this leads us to think about the traceability of the products we consume”.

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