Presidential: for Nathalie, struck off without knowing it, “this is what happens when you replace humans with machines”

by time news

Nathalie has never departed from her duties as a citizen, which she rightly also considers as a right. Since 1981, this resident of the 17th arrondissement of Paris has voted without stopping. Still at office 63, the one on rue Laugier. At the beginning of February 2022, she re-registered her husband at a new office, “Ampère”, corresponding to their address.

She herself wanted to vote at her permanent office for practical reasons. “But when I arrived to vote in the first round, they couldn’t find me,” says Nathalie. They explained to me that I had been expelled. “Reason invoked:” You did not vote in the regional. »

Very clearly, the explanation is fallacious, provided by an assessor unaware of the subtleties of the new single electoral register (REU). Nathalie then realizes that there are about fifteen voters in her office who are in the same situation. She goes to the neighboring offices, where the situation is identical. “It was really amazing to see these dozens of distraught voters, to whom no one was able to give a coherent answer. »

In the 17th century, “a problem far from being anecdotal”

Close to the mayor (LR) of the 17th century, Geoffroy Boulard, Nathalie contacted him. “That’s when the town hall realized that there was a problem that was far from being anecdotal. Concerning her, it would seem that it was her marital status, and the fact that her husband was registered with a new office, which caused her to be automatically removed from hers, without her being informed.

In other departments, it has also happened that during a separation, after which the new spouse re-registered, his ex was struck off without knowing it. If Nathalie understands the need to rationalize electoral registration, she deplores the excessive latitude left to the computer. “This is what happens when you take away people and common sense and replace them with machines,” she complains. At the next election, she assures him, she will go and vote in Brittany, where she and her husband have a residence. “In a smaller town, it may be easier,” she hopes.

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