Speed ​​limit: According to a survey, the majority of Germans are in favor of it

by time news

Survey: Majority of Germans for a speed limit on Autobahns

A sign on the A10 motorway near Mühlenbeck indicates the speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour

© Patrick Pleul / DPA

Are you for or against a speed limit of 130 km/h on motorways? 57 percent of all participants in a corresponding survey answered this question in the affirmative.

According to a survey, the majority of people in Germany are in favor of a speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour on motorways against the background of rising energy prices.

In a survey by YouGov, 57 percent of respondents agreed, 33 percent said they were against a speed limit. 10 percent were undecided.

Speed ​​limit has the most fans in the Greens

According to the survey, most supporters of a speed limit are among supporters of the Greens (87 percent), followed by those of the SPD (72 percent). Most of the opponents of a speed limit are among the FDP supporters, of which 52 percent expressed negative opinion.

According to the survey, women are more in favor of a speed limit than men (62 percent to 52 percent). In addition, according to the survey, older people are more in favor of a speed limit than younger people. In the age group of 60 to 69 year olds, 61 percent were in favor of the speed limit, in the age group of 18 to 29 year olds it was 47 percent.


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