Electoral registers: registration, verification, recourse to vote… instructions for use of the polls

by time news

More than 48 million French people were registered on the electoral lists for the presidential election. But as our investigation showed, once in the polling station, a handful of voters were denied their right to slip the ballot into the ballot box.

How to check if you are registered?

Nothing’s easier. Everyone can check their electoral situation online on the service-public.fr website. The address of his polling station is specified on this site, indicating his name and his commune. To be able to express your choice during the presidential election, you had to register before March 2 online, and before March 4 at the town hall or by mail addressed to your mayor. Latecomers will therefore not be able to participate in the second round next Sunday.

How to register for the legislative elections?

There is still time to register on the lists to participate in the legislative elections next June. To do this, you must complete the procedure online before May 4, by presenting a digitized proof of identity and proof of residence. Everyone can also register in town hall and by mail addressed to your mayor before May 6th. You must then present proof of address, proof of identity and a registration form on the electoral lists.

How to contest a removal from the lists?

Before deregistering the voter, the mayor must contact him so that he provides him within fifteen days with proof that his registration on the municipal list is still justified. After that, if the mayor decides to deregister the voter, he must inform him of his decision by sending him a notification letter within two days.

It is possible to challenge the mayor’s decision by making a prior administrative appeal before the electoral roll control commission of the municipality. It must include the following information: your surnames and first names, address, date and place of birth, the date and nature of the mayor’s decision, a copy of the notification of the mayor’s decision (to be attached to the letter), proof ( including a document that was not provided to the mayor) of the merits of your registration on the electoral list (to be attached to the application). The control commission has thirty days to make its decision.

If necessary and for any other situation, it is possible to file a contentious appeal before the nearest court of law. The court must render its decision within eight days of the filing of the appeal.

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