Covid, a large increase in obese and overweight in the lockdown

by time news

Covid, in the lockdown of obese and overweight

Obesity, along with being overweighthas always been considered a kind of permanent pandemic. When the Coronavirus began to circulate around the world, the growth forecasts of the two disorders by the scientific community were worrying. Many indicators figured that in the 2030 as many as 8 out of 10 men and 55% of women would have been overweight or obese. Increased sedentary lifestyle and anxiety over work loss or interruption caused by lockdown have contributed greatly to weight gain in many people, two to five kilos more. Not to mention that the boredom of being obliged to stay in the event has led many to purchase and consume products that are not really adequate for maintaining the physical line. One above all is chocolate, the purchase of which has grown by 60%. The prestigious magazine Jama published an American study on the link between obesity and the pandemic. The average weight gain of the nearly 300 69 adults who participated in the research was around 600 grams per month.

Covid, anxiety about health and work has grown in the lockdown

The global situation worsened more severely in the overweight groups. In the lockdown, most people who are obese or who tend to put on weight gained between three and five kilos. Physical activity stopped and eating habits worsened. Anxiety about our life or that of our loved ones often favors indiscriminate food intake. This situation was also made worse the inability to access hospital services. The “sufferers” of obesity (as claimed by several endocrinologists) had little professional support and those who tended to gain weight grew more. The pandemic greatly delayed consultations (not everyone was able or was able to access the telematic visits) and treatments, such as bariatric surgery, for the most severe cases. Surgery has been almost completely stopped and some surgeries with long waiting lists have been blocked, putting the most serious cases at risk of life.

Covid, the lockdown has also created weight problems for young people and children

Closed schools have also created weight problems for young people and children. I Centers for Disease Control (CDA) Americans studied the evolution of body mass index (BMI, the indicator of the relationship between weight and height) in more than 432,000 people aged 2 to 19 years before and after the crisis. In mid-2019 it was 19.3%, a year it had risen to 22.4%. Another California study of 200,000 children also found weight gain during the pandemic. Children between 5 and 11 years old gained an average of 2.3 kilos. One of the main causes on the little ones are and were the hours spent in front of any screen, be that of television, computer, mobile phone or playstation. Another UK study found that the prevalence of obese among children aged five to six increased from 9.9% in the 2019-2020 school year to 14.4% in the 2020-2021 school year.

Covid, a child with weight problems could become obese as an adult

Many health professionals agree that today’s child’s weight will affect tomorrow’s adult. Excess weight will have consequences in adulthood. because the body has memory e the increase in overweight or obese people will have an impact on other diseases, such as cancer or cardiovascular problems. What needs to be done to remedy this growth? All health professionals agree in considering it a real disease. It is necessary to sensitize public opinion, and to act at the level of the Government to tax “bad” products e oblige producers to put clear and transparent labels. Obesity is also very often linked to poor mental health because the patient feels guilty and laughed at. Fighting the obese epidemic is not an easy task as it depends on the behavior of people and the environment in which one lives. For Covid there is a vaccine for obesity, there is nothing similar.

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