Mental coaching, in the gym where the mind trains –

by time news
from Cristina Marrone

It is possible to evaluate the mental resources necessary to carry out a task and to focus efforts on performance. Exercises vary according to character deficits

That also themental efficiency is the key to sporting success (and not only) Riccardo Ceccarellisports doctor and founder of the Sports Medicine Center in Viareggio Formula Medicine (on the left a book of his), he had guessed it thirty years ago when, thanks to his studies involving Formula 1 drivers, he realized that the pace of a race given by the tiredness or mental clarity of the athlete . With the support of a team of neuroscientists, I studied the brain function of 12 pilots through magnetic resonance imaging while performing challenging mental performances and compared them with those of non-sportsmen, discovering that what distinguishes the strength of the former are not the results achieved. but lmental economy: while in general people have their heads crowded with fears, anxieties, distractions, pilots save, save money, clear the road of thoughts, really put the autopilot. It means that a winning driverfor the same performance, has a lower expenditure of brain energy: his frontal cortex involved in the planning of the actions will activate little because the pilot relies on automatisms.

The economic brain

Other neuroscientists have confirmed that sports champions in general are predisposed to having cheap brains. But not only them. Successful managers, surgeons and musicians also have this gift that seems to characterize all those who are subjected to high mental commitment. The predisposition certainly helps, but with the right training everyone can learn a waste less energy and to be more focused on the goal, that is to reach the maximum yield with minimum expense to be able to carry out demanding tasks.

I test e i feedback

Thanks to a series of test properly realized everyone can know themental energy consumed to achieve a certain performance with precise numerical feedback. As in a physical gym we train legs, arms, coordination, endurance and we immediately have a confirmation of athletic efficiency, in the mental gym we measure the results of mental skills such as focused attention, cleansing of thoughts, reactivated, strategic capacity, integrating the results with cerebral and cardiac energy expenditure to measure brain efficiency, or the “Neural Efficiency”. Based on the shortcomings and the profession, we go to train individual needs.

Better manage your resources

The ultimate goal is to better manage your resources, which means get less tired and maintain high level of lucidity even in stressful situations. Achieving 85% of Neural Efficiency in tests under standard conditions is considered an excellent result. But when they are added to that task visual distractions
o sonoreor the test is performed in competition with others, everything changes: themental efficiency drops, it becomes more expensive. During the challenges, thanks also to the work of a team of psychologists, the character of the individual emerges: the touchy, insecure, rigid, emotional and so on and this is an important step in identifying ad hoc mental exercises to improve oneself. We follow the athletes of the Riccardo Piatti tennis academy, the Canadian national ski team, Formula 1 and motorcycle drivers, but mental training also works very well in the corporate, military and clinical fields. We are also helping two surgeons who want to learn how to save nervous energy while maintaining high clarity, often having to stay in the operating room for up to 6-8 hours, emphasizes Ceccarelli.


The path to achieving mental economy involves three steps: self-awareness, flexibility and self-confidence. The test results provide concrete feedback, everyone can understand when and how he works best on a given task, arriving at a deep awareness of their skills, their uncertainties, mistakes and improvements obtained in the field with mental exercise. When I know myself deeply

I know what can put me in crisisI know what I’m wrong in particular situations and the more I know myself, I better adapt to the difficultiesbecoming more flexible and capable of changing strategy even in the face of unexpected events summarizes Ceccarelli who concludes: Finally, if one learns to adapt to difficulties using one’s own resources to the fullest, the self-confidence.

April 18, 2022 (change April 18, 2022 | 11:00)

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