“Paragraph”, the 198 poems written by the former mayor of Baronissi

by time news

NoonApril 15, 2022 – 4:30 pm

In Salerno the new anthology by Giovanni Moscatiello published by Graus

Nine years after the first anthology (“In other verses”, 2013, Guida editions), Giovanni Moscatiello, former mayor of Baronissi for fifteen years and secretary general, among the most appreciated in Italy, of public administrations, returns to the bookshop with a new collection of poems: «Capoverso», published by Graus. “I have kept the commitment assumed at the bottom of the previous volume – explains Moscatiello – and I hope that these new verses will find the favor of readers and critics, as already happened with the collection” In other verses “, which received two national awards . “Capoverso” is a journey, a reportage between landscapes and feelings, between aspirations and disappointments in a world where the verse dramatically pushes nature and men into an irreversible crisis “. The presentation of the volume is scheduled for Wednesday 20 April, at 6 pm, at the provincial art gallery of Salerno. With the author there will be Francesco Morra, provincial councilor for Culture, the literary critic Francesco D’Episcopo, who edited the preface to the book, and the journalist Gabriele Bojano. Coordinated by Sonia Di Domenico.

April 15, 2022 | 16:30

© Time.News

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