“I am against the far right”: Cléopâtre Darleux explains her position against Marine Le Pen

by time news

Signatory in Le Parisien-Today in France, on April 12, with around fifty athletes, of a platform intended to block the RN for the second round of the presidential election, Cléopâtre Darleux is a committed Olympic champion. The Brest goalkeeper is also the new brand ambassador for Butagaz, one of the main partners of French handball. When we reached her recently on the phone, she was taking advantage of a day off to go to the small Breton club of Hermine Kernic to meet young handball players for whom she is a role model. These children will not fail, moreover, to follow his performance, this Wednesday evening, against the Czech Republic, in the qualifiers for Euro 2022.

What convinced you to sign a platform to block the RN?

CLEOPATRA DARLEUX. I generally avoid political questions because basically, it’s not something that interests me greatly. At the start, to tell you the truth, I didn’t even know if I was going to vote. I didn’t want to give my opinion too much, but I chose to do it especially against Le Pen. I agreed to sign this appeal because I wanted to show, above all, that I am against the extreme right.

Why did you agree to be a Butagaz brand ambassador?

For several years, this brand has been a partner of the Handball League and it contributes to the influence of our sport on the territory. When I was offered to be part of this team, with Niko in particular (Karabatic), I found it an honor as well as a pleasure to help develop handball and women’s sport. It is ultimately a logical decision.

What does your role consist of?

It’s not just about putting my head next to a gas bottle in a photo (laughter). This involves actions with young handball players, amateur clubs to be closer to them. The brand, for example, offers jerseys to around forty clubs throughout the country. It also allows children to meet players. It’s important to them. I know it.

One of your missions is to hammer home “the hand is great”?

That’s part of it. Beyond the practice, part of the youth is behind us. Among the little ones I meet, there is the future generation, perhaps a future player for the France team. Showing these young handball players that there are great values ​​in our sport seems very important to me. And if there’s a way for me to do it myself, I don’t hesitate.

Do you find time for it in your busy schedule?

Between the playing career, my life as a mom, I’m not necessarily looking for new requests. Only, in my career, I have always wanted to be close to children, the youngest between 10 and 17 years old. I like it a lot and as soon as I find the time in my schedule to do it, it’s a pleasure and it’s important for me. I want handball to offer a good image and I want to contribute to it.

Personally, what does this type of operation bring you?

It just allows me to meet young players and it’s already a very, very nice gift. Even after a game, when I see kids coming up to me to sign autographs and telling me they’re super happy to see me, I feel like I’ve won something. Being a mom, I project myself onto my daughter. I imagine that she is the one who has an idol and that she is very happy to go home with her signature. I don’t want to disappoint thinking of her.

What do you say to the young people you meet?

I tell them about my sport, the high level. I try to tell them that it is possible to access it, that nothing is closed if we give ourselves the means and if we want it.

How do they react when they see an Olympic champion?

It depends on their nature. Some are very shy and don’t dare approach me or talk. Others give me a hug and that’s super cute. I sometimes get gifts. I have lots of stuffed animals. It’s just touching and ultimately, it’s a fairly simple and healthy report.

Did you have an idol at their age?

Not necessarily, no. When I was little, I didn’t have a high-level club near my home. I was not going to see a match, but I was going to see those of the seniors of my club in Wittenheim in Alsace. I spent my days there and they were my idols. I was impressed by the big guys, even if they weren’t big stars.

Are you called upon as a citizen champion by other associations or communities?

In recent times, I have had, in fact, some requests from the Ministry of Sports in relation to the place of women and motherhood in high-level sport because I have been there. These questions interest me and I want to see things evolve. So if I can do something, I do it.

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