Tennis: Maria Sharapova pregnant with her first child

by time news

She waited until her birthday to announce the good news to her nearly 4.2 million Instagram followers. Tuesday April 19, the day of her 35th birthday, the Russian Maria Sharapova published on the famous social network a photo of her, on a beach and in a heavenly setting, where she hides nothing of the roundness of her belly.

If the photo already left no room for doubt, the former boss of women’s tennis confirmed in a short message that she was indeed pregnant with her first child. “Eating a birthday cake for two has always been my specialty,” writes the one who was known on the women’s circuit for her diva temperament. A happy event that she therefore wanted to share with her many fans after long weeks of silence on her networks.

Retired from the tennis courts since February 2020, “Queen Maria” has been engaged since December 2020 to British businessman Alexander Gilkes. During her immense career of almost 20 years – stopped for several months in 2016 following a positive meldonium test, the tall blonde (1.88m) won five Grand Slam titles: Wimbledon in 2004, the US Open in 2006, the Australian Open in 2008 and Roland-Garros 2012 and 2014.

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