‘Business of books’, 10 writers tell their stories between profession and private life

by time news

Ten portraits of writers and writers between literary and private life. The story of oneself as a filter to understand the many lives narrated in their novels. In the volume ‘Affari di libri’ (Giulio Perrone Editore, Le Nuove Onde series) to be released on April 28, Mariagloria Fontana, journalist, radio host and writer, has collected ten interviews with authors and authors who are protagonists of the contemporary literary scene: Teresa Ciabatti, Viola Di Grado, Chiara Gamberale, Lisa Ginzburg, Nadia Terranova, Roberto Cotroneo, Andrea Pomella, Marco Missiroli, Luca Ricci, Emanuele Trevi.

Between profession and normal everyday life, tools of the trade, rituals, habits and obsessions, writers drop the mask or the thin veil of confidentiality, ‘forget’ for a while the characters and places of their stories and bring out the true narrative, intimate and complex behind their writing. The interviews are the result of many meetings: inside the radio program ‘Affari di libri’, which Mariagloria Fontana hosts on Radio Radio and Radio Radio TV, but also outside, in front of a coffee or in the living room. The question, declined in different forms and versions, is always the same: what is writing really? What is the meaning of the intimate and public act of filling a blank sheet of words at the same time?

“There is a common thread that binds the authors I met – says Mariagloria Fontana – writing as a tool to probe the abyss, to meet oneself through the lives of others. It seems an all too simple consideration, but it is the only one we experience when we read the novels of these authors.More, the ability on their part to listen to the protagonists clearly emerges because this proves to be the only sounding board. of one’s inner life. This willingness to listen translates into a generosity to reveal itself in the story of myself that I received as a gift from meeting them “.

Conversations that have the flavor of an existential reportage in search of the ‘daimon’ behind the writing, of the fears, of the subtexts. “The interviews – says Mariagloria Fontana – are a real itinerary to discover a generation of writers with an incisive and brilliant pen, able to tell by always putting themselves into play, according to a narrative architecture poised between fiction and biography, or rather between autofiction and references to the self, intimate yet collective and archetypal “.

Since 2017 Mariagloria Fontana hosts the ‘Affari di Libri’ program broadcast on Radio Radio and Radio Radio Tv, which hosts the most important Italian and foreign writers. In the past you have collaborated with ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’, ‘MicroMega’ and ‘HuffPost’. She directs the online magazine she created, ‘Le città delle donne’, with unpublished contributions by numerous Italian writers. In 2017 she published her debut novel, ‘La Ragione era Carnale’, for Armando Curcio Editore.

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