DIRECT. Presidential: Le Pen-Macron debate, 15.6 million viewers, even less than in 2017

by time news


Le Pen-Macron debate: 15.6 million viewers, even less than in 2017

It is the worst audience score for an inter-round debate in history.


“If the French move, Marine Le Pen will win the presidential election”

“If the French move, Marine Le Pen will win the presidential election. Do not trust the polls, ”assured the faithful of the RN candidate on BFMTV.


Elisabeth Borne “at the disposal” of Emmanuel Macron

Elisabeth Borne welcomes this morning a “correct debate, without excess”. Interviewed on Sud Radio, the Minister of Labor tackles “approximations and inconsistencies” in the program of the RN candidate. Relaunched on her name which circulates as that of the possible future Prime Minister in the event of re-election of Emmanuel Macron, she indicates “to be at his disposal”. “I have worked for Emmanuel Macron for five years, I am at his disposal and he knows it”.


“France looks less and less like a democracy” for Jordan Bardella

“Emmanuel Macron has a much easier time obtaining funding than us. See the trap and the hypocrisy of the latter: he prevents us from financing ourselves and he blames us for financing ourselves abroad ”criticized Bardella on the Russian loan contracted by the RN. “France looks less and less like a democracy. Five more years of Macron will be five years of social destruction,” he hammered on BFMTV.


“Marine Le Pen has changed tone but has not changed in substance” for Gabriel Attal

“It was a good debate, which allowed us to exchange vision against vision, project against project (…) which showed I believe that we have a president who has a serious, funded project, and a candidate who has changed in tone but who has not changed in substance, ”said Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson on FranceInfo.


For Jordan Bardella, “Macron was running behind Marine Le Pen”

“I think she was able to get to the bottom of things and explain what horizon she wanted for France,” said Jordan Bardella, on BFMTV. He then targeted the candidate president: “A president whom I found without ardor or desire. He was running behind Marine Le Pen. His only project is to make the French work until they are 65, ”attacked the interim president of the RN.


Presidential debate: “climatosceptic” against “climato-hypocrite”

Free trade, wind turbines, nuclear… During the part of the debate between the two rounds devoted to ecology, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen showed the full extent of their disagreements on the ecological transition. Read our article here.


“Marine Le Pen does not come from the working classes”

“Marine Le Pen does not come from the working classes. Marine Le Pen’s party is the party of the Le Pen family. The father, the daughter, the niece, another daughter… ”, quips Gérald Darmanin about the candidate of the RN.


“The citizen cannot stay on his sofa at the time of choice”

“The citizen cannot stay on his couch when it comes to choosing between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. It appeared, for more than a year, more moderate. It operated a strategy of refocusing. She tried to have a moderation strategy. But it has fallen back into its inconsistencies or its caricatures. On her position on the veil, she made several round trips. She has found the lexical field of the far right, ”attacked Gérald Darmanin.


Steve Briois mocks Macron’s attitude

Mayor RN of Hénin-Beaumont mocked President Macron’s facial expressions during the debate with his favorite candidate this Thursday evening.


“We saw two very different visions of the world” for Darmanin

“It was an interesting debate. We saw two very different visions of the world. It was a good debate” assured the Minister of the Interior on Europe1 this morning.


An “intense” and “good performance” confrontation for Edouard Philippe

“It was a useful and probably enlightening debate. No doubt each of the two sides found confirmation there. For the undecided, this debate has enabled two different visions to be shown. This confrontation was both intense and solid. It will have allowed voters to refine their choices,” explained the mayor of Le Havre on RTL.


“I did not find it serene and completely solid”, attacks Edouard Philippe

“I think she wanted to take into account what had happened in 2017. She wanted to soften and densify her positions. I felt a president who had the same energy as five years ago, ”assured the former Prime Minister. “He was in an effort of conviction and determination of one who knows his files. Marine Le Pen seemed more cautious. I did not find it serene and completely solid, ”he quipped.


Macron “condescending and arrogant” for the RN

For Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the RN, Emmanuel Macron was “condescending and arrogant”. Emmanuel Macron was in “invective” and also he “is not in the project” underlined the relative of the candidate RN.


The press awards a slight advantage to Macron at the end of the debate

“Advantage Macron” bars the front page of Sud Ouest on Thursday the day after the televised debate having opposed the outgoing president to Marine Le Pen, who were able, according to the press, to present two visions of France in a more serene climate than in 2017.

“Macron dominates, Le Pen holds the shock”, sums up the last edition of Figaro on its front page, Vincent Trémolet de Villers noting in his editorial “an acquired and persistent legitimacy of Emmanuel Macron”.

The newspapers underline the good performance of the exchanges contrasting with the last duel between the two candidates, five years ago, where Mrs. Le Pen had missed the exercise.

“No circus games, no provocations on the part of Marine Le Pen, nor excessive sufficiency on the part of Emmanuel Macron, despite a You’re talking nonsense! “, notes Jean-Marcel Bouguereau in the Republic of the Pyrenees, granting an advantage to the outgoing head of state for his” technicality “. On the front page, the newspapers often favor a photo of each candidate in full argument, hands accompanying the floor and determined gaze. The Telegram thus titles “Duel without concession”.


A “mess” for Mélenchon

The votes of his constituents are coveted by the two candidates. In front of his TV last night like many French people, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, third man in the first round, felt that the debate was a “mess”. “The country deserved better,” commented the Insoumis leader in a tweet, already planning for the legislative deadline.



And welcome to this live. You can follow this penultimate day of the campaign here, the day after the debate between the two rounds and the 20th anniversary of the elimination of Lionel Jospin and the qualification of Jean-Marie Le Pen for the second round of the presidential election in 2002.

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