Tonight it happens: Zehava Ben hosts Idan Raichel in a huge amphitheater show in Ashdod

by time news

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Zehava Ben, the beloved singer with the golden voice of the Israeli singer in a new, breathtaking and powerful show accompanied by 20 musicians from the Nazareth Orchestra and a special guest – Idan Raichel. The show will be opened by singer Liran Danino. The show will take place at 21:00 at the Ashdod Amphitheater as part of the Ashdod Golden Age Festival 2022, last tickets left

In the show, Ben will perform the best hits of all years, including: “A drop of luck”, “Forbidden love”, “Singer of the three answers”, “My life”, “Maybe in another world”, “A real king”, “I am a fool”, “She is not Omri”, “Such love” “Katorna Masalla” And many more good ones.

Tonight at the show festival – “Lilit El Basisa” – a musical show with Tunisian songs accompanied by a 12-member orchestra with the singer Muhsin Sheriff (Tunisia) Accompanied Yuval Tayeb In songs from the Egyptian classics. The show will take place at 20:30 in Mishkan Ashdod.

In addition, the performances “Arkadesh” – a celebration of Turkish music at 19:30 at the Monart Cultural Center, and “Shams al-Asya” – Liz Maman will be performed in a piyyut and classics show from Beit Saba at 19:30 at Beit Aryeh Klang.

Last night, was the third day of the festival with the performances “Salute to the aristocracy of the Moroccan singer” with Faisal Bendo and Abdeslam Spani from Morocco and the ensemble of the Royal Andalusian Orchestra of Rabat (Morocco) with the Israeli Andoslam Orchestra and the poet Moshe Locke. A performance of Meir Ariel’s songs performed by Dori Ben Zeev and a performance of “Alha Damair Anani” with Rabbi Gozel and the poets Ziv and Ben Gabay.

Watch a taste of the evening that was (photography and editing) >>>

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