Following Microsoft’s strategy? It is rumored that SONY also plans to place advertisements in the PlayStation game console

by time news

Earlier, there was news that Microsoft plans to insert advertisements in the free games of the Xbox game console to increase revenue. And today, someone broke the news that SONY also plans to insert advertisements in the PlayStation game console.

It is reported that SONY is working with advertising technology partners to develop new software for implanting advertisements in PS consoles. The official said that this method is mainly to increase profit channels and encourage developers to continue to develop free games. In terms of advertisement forms, like Microsoft, SONY hopes that these advertisements can be integrated into the game, such as placing advertisements on billboards in the game, and users who watch advertisements at the same time will be rewarded.

However, unlike Microsoft’s clear statement that it will not make money from advertising, SONY’s attitude is wavering, and it is still considering whether to take a cut of advertising revenue. It is worth mentioning that, according to the executive of the well-known advertising group Omnicom’s games and e-sports department, customers still have concerns about placing advertisements in games. On the one hand, both SONY and Microsoft stated that they would not provide user data to the advertising platform, resulting in the inability of targeted advertising to ensure the effect; on the other hand, customers did not want their ads to appear in games with violent elements.

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