Presidential: “Very contemptuous, very arrogant” … The Pen tackles Macron and believes that she has every chance of winning

by time news

Marine Le Pen is rather happy with herself the day after the debate which opposed her to Emmanuel Macron. The RN candidate, traveling in the Somme (Hauts-de-France), estimated this Thursday that “the debate was in good standing”. “I revealed to the French the reality of Emmanuel Macron’s record and presented the project which is mine”, she welcomed, adding that it was “impossible to present a political project as complete as mine in 1h20”. Marine Le Pen said she had “every chance of winning”.

At the same time, she took advantage of this trip to continue the fight with her opponent by interposed microphones. “I had before me an Emmanuel Macron equal to himself, very contemptuous, very arrogant, including in his posture. I don’t think it surprised any French people who themselves have been subjected to this arrogance and contempt for five years, ”declared Marine Le Pen during a press briefing organized in Roye on the sidelines of a meeting with road hauliers.

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She also criticized the “excesses” and “fake news” propagated by the Macron camp against her. The choice of the candidate’s teams and “by Emmanuel Macron, himself” was to have a second round “extremely violent, extremely brutal, multiplying lies, fake news”, she lamented. “When I hear people from En Marche talking about my project, I don’t recognize it,” added the far-right candidate, without specifying which measures of her program were targeted.

Presenting herself as the candidate of “France who works”, Marine Le Pen had previously met with Dominique Durand, road haulier in Roye and member of the France TPE group which brings together small road hauliers. He complained to the candidate about the increase in charges, in particular the rise in fuel prices, which the far-right candidate compared to “a last blow from the truncheon”, to the “last nail in the coffin”. “We can no longer live from our work”, regretted his interlocutor.

Under the anti-Macron jeers of RN sympathizers, Marine Le Pen then boarded a truck before leaving for lunch with professionals in the sector. She must hold a last big campaign meeting in Arras at the end of the afternoon.

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