After the debate, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron return to the field three days before the second round; “Mélenchon à Matignon” for Quatennens… The political news of the day

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The world keeps the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m., which reviews the political events of the past day and discusses upcoming meetings.

The fact of the day. After the debate, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron return to the field three days before the second round

The candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, in a truck stop in Roye (Somme), April 21, 2022.

Not the shadow of a doubt displayed by Marine Le Pen the day after the traditional debate between two rounds against Emmanuel Macron. According to her, the exercise was successful. “The debate was good and I believe that I was able to fulfill the important missions that I had set myself: first of all to reveal to the French the truth of Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet and to present the project which was mine”said Thursday the candidate of the National Rally on the move in the Somme, in Roye.

She who wanted at all costs to avoid being aggressive as in 2017 gave up the offensive. His criticisms of Emmanuel Macron’s record appeared too vague, too timid to shake the opponent. Worse, the latter found a way to return the party leader and deputy of Pas-de-Calais to her own record. However, the MP for Pas-de-Calais was confident the day after a duel watched by 15.6 million viewers – the worst audience since its creation in 1974.

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Asked about any regrets about an overly defensive attitude during the debate the day before, Marine Le Pen was ironic. “You are wonderful, journalists, really. When I’m incisive, I’m too much, when I’m less, I’m not enough. What matters to me is not what you think, it’s what the French think”she decided.

“I have every chance of winning. I think the French will mobilize to end a first term which was devastating for them.she added, before judging that“a second term for Emmanuel Macron would be a social havoc. He will no longer be limited by anything and will go to the end of his logic. It would be the worst first term. »

Before she went to Arras for her last big meeting on Thursday evening, the far-right candidate finally reiterated her criticism of the outgoing president – ​​who was on the move in Seine-Saint-Denis – , accusing him of having been “extremely violent, extremely brutal, multiplying lies, fake news”during the debate.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Between-two-round debate: Emmanuel Macron has chosen an offensive posture against Marine Le Pen

The picture. In Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron considers that “we do not solve any problem by separating our society”

The candidate president, Emmanuel Macron, campaigning in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Thursday April 21, 2022.

Emmanuel Macron took advantage of his trip to Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) to link the fight against the far right to his program for working-class neighborhoods. He attacked the program of the candidate of the National Rally, which according to him would lead to an exit from Europe, on the ban on wearing the veil in public space, two of the strong themes of the between-two-rounds .

“It’s not a reconciliation project to do that”criticized the candidate, who felt that Marine Le Pen “confuses all subjects” by assimilating “terrorism, insecurity, immigration, Islam and Islamism permanently” for example.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the triumph of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the new “red suburb”, in Seine-Saint-Denis, the great hesitation of voters

In the town where Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round of the presidential election, the candidate president said he wanted to pass a “message of consideration and ambition”. “All the inhabitants [des quartiers populaires] are a chance for our Republic. (…) We have stigmatized these inhabitants a lot by dividing our society, our discussion yesterday [avec Marine Le Pen] was able to show ithe also declared, before praising his record: educational cities, duplication of CP and CE1 classes, device “learning vacation”

“Despite all that, things are not going fast enough”conceded Emmanuel Macron, advocating his strategy called “Quartier 2030”, consisting in particular of “the multiplication of the means that we put in our neighborhoods”.

The phrase. “Would you have liked Mélenchon at the Elysée? Send it to Matignon! “says Adrien Quatennens

In an interview published Thursday in the columns of Figarothe deputy Adrien Quatennens (La France insoumise, LFI) talks about the upcoming legislative elections and the place that Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the “insubordinates”, will have.

“When you come out of a presidential campaign as the third man with 400,000 votes in the second round, you don’t disappear from the landscape! Jean-Luc Mélenchon will continue to occupy a central place alongside us in the coming years.assured the deputy of the North. He is in the political fight and may even be in a position to govern the country in two months if we win the legislative elections. Would you have liked Mélenchon at the Elysée? Send it to Matignon! »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Macron-Le Pen debate seen by the “rebellious” of Montreuil: “To be able to vote for Macron, it is sometimes better not to hear him too much”

At the microphone of RMC this morning, Alexis Corbière (LFI), the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, also imagined a destiny as a minister for Mr. Mélenchon. “On the occasion of the legislative elections, the case is not lost, and we can win, have a popular majority, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon can lead this country for five years”did he declare.

The archive. In 2002, young people enter politics on the evening of the qualification of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the second round

Archive of the

Twenty years ago, the shock of the far right in the second round raised political awareness among young people. A few days before the second round between Jean-Marie Le Pen and the outgoing president, Jacques Chirac, French youth demonstrated in large numbers everywhere in France. Men and women aged 17 to 25 are mobilizing for the first time, and not always with the blessing of their families. In its edition dated Thursday, May 2, 2002, The world gives a voice to these young people who, for some, suddenly discovered the electoral stakes and militant action on April 21st.

For Marie, 22, a master’s student in history at Lyon-II, the results of the first round were a political shock, but also a psychological and family one. “Before, we did not talk openly about politics. It was all a matter of innuendo”says the young woman from a bourgeois, conservative, Catholic background and close to the National Front. “As the campaign progressed, the discussions got tougher. During a family meal, my aunt began to put Muslims on trial. She went on to predict that France was going to become Islamized, and our relations became strained. I understood that they were really racist. I spaced out my visits”she tells our journalists Luc Bronner and Sophie Landrin.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “It’s a problem, this division”: the demonstrations against the far right mobilize very little in France

If Virginie, 23, has not “never felt the need” to commit, “the first round was a big wake-up call”. For the student of classics at the Sorbonne, in Paris, “the youth had fallen asleep by relying on our parents who are used to voting, as if we had thought that the values ​​of democracy were no longer to be defended”. The young woman therefore thinks of being an activist in a union, even if, according to her “the problem is that they only represent particular interests”. “After the first round which made me ashamed for my country, I want to show that we will not accept intolerance”she defends.

Antoine, 17, a high school student in second, also demonstrated for the first time. “It’s too serious, if something like Le Pen’s presence doesn’t make us move, then what should? »he asks himself. “Monday, for sure, I will go and register for SOS-Racisme”promises the young Montreuillois.

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On the agenda for Friday 22 April

Campaign notebook. Two days before the second round of the presidential election, the candidates throw their last forces into battle and make their last trips before the end of the official campaign, Friday at midnight. Emmanuel Macron goes to Figeac, in the Lot, while Marine Le Pen is in the Pas-de-Calais, then goes to Abbeville, in the Somme.

Red and blue. The candidate president is expected at the microphone of France Inter, while the far-right candidate is the guest of Europe 1 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

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