A rare and dangerous event .. “Abubis” is approaching Earth

by time news

Many international newspapers and many followers reported a serious warning and a rare event, as they confirmed that a huge asteroid called “Abubis” had penetrated the orbit of the near-Earth satellites orbiting around it, and that it represented a greater danger than the asteroids that passed near or aligned with the Earth recently. .

Content Plus, reviews in the following lines, the details of the approaching dangerous asteroid Obis from Earth:

Some international newspapers have published in the current hours, that a dangerous event will occur 7 years from now, specifically on April 13, 2029, when a huge asteroid called Abubis will penetrate the orbit of the near-Earth satellites orbiting around it, and they confirmed that the danger of this asteroid is in changing its course Then it will pose a danger to the planet, stressing that it is very dangerous and more dangerous than any other asteroid that appeared recently, according to a report by the American magazine Forbes.

Details and information about the dangerous asteroid Abubis

It is a rare event that only occurs once every thousand years

– It will pass the distance of the orbit of the satellites revolving around our planet, which is a distance close to the Earth, not more than 37,000 km,

asteroid apopis shape

Scientists explained that the shape of the asteroid Abubis is that the radius of its circle is estimated at 340 meters, its size is like a giant skyscraper and can be approximately the size of the famous Empire State Building in New York, which consists of 102 floors.

When was asteroid Apopis discovered?

The planet Abubis was discovered in 2005, and scientists believed at the time that its path was to collide with the planet Earth, before the calculations revealed otherwise.

When will it pass close to Earth?

It will pass by the satellite’s orbit on April 13, 2029, 7 years from now.

The greatest danger to the planet

Earlier, NASA considered that the most dangerous asteroid threatening the Earth was “Apophis”, an asteroid that was discovered in 2004, but the calculations changed and scientists confirmed that the asteroid would not collide with Earth until after 100 years.

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