1 May. This is Thai people. 7 groups at risk. All rights to treatment. Start free flu vaccination.

by time news

Friday, April 22, 2022, 10.04 a.m.

On May 1, the NHSO takes care of 7 Thai people at risk of all rights, starting the service “Free influenza vaccination”, health promotion and disease prevention benefits in year 65, covering 4.2 million people, helping to reduce the risk of severe illness and death, and helps to increase the clarity of the diagnosis Reduce complications in the Covid-19 epidemic situation You can get the service at a service unit near your home, only in Bangkok. You can reserve your rights in advance via the “Pao Tang” app, and arrange a meeting for representatives of service units across the country on 25-26 April to clarify service guidelines in the same direction.

On April 22, 2022, Dr. Jadet Thammathatchaari, secretary-general of the National Health Security Office (NHSO), said that the influenza virus is an important cause of acute respiratory infections. It is common in populations of all age groups. Symptoms range from fever, runny nose, to more serious complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis. Myocarditis, hepatitis, etc., found an morbidity rate of approximately 10-20% of the population, among pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases. and those who are obese There is a risk of serious illness and complications and death. If the epidemic is not prevented, hospitals will have to bear the burden of caring for patients. and causing economic losses in medical treatment

from the situation NHSO has been packed. “Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Service” is a health promotion and disease prevention benefit under “National Health Security Fund” continuously By the cooperation between the NHSO and the Department of Disease Control, in 2022, it has procured 4,200,000 doses of influenza vaccine for injecting to Thai people who are at risk of 7 groups, all rights of treatment. free of charge Covers protection against 3 strains of influenza virus (an A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1) pdm09-like virus, an A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2)-like virus; and a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/ictoria lineage – like virus.), as defined by the World Health Organization. The service starts from 1 May – 31 August 2022 or until the vaccine runs out.

For people in 7 risk groups, namely 1. Pregnant women, gestational age 4 months or more (services are provided throughout the year) 2. All children aged 6 months to 2 years 3. People with chronic diseases as follows: COPD, asthma, heart disease, atherosclerosis Brain, kidney failure, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and diabetes 4. Persons over 65 years of age 5. Thalassemia and people with impaired immune systems (including symptomatic HIV-infected), 6. Obesity (weight > 100 kg or BMI > 35 kg/m2) and 7. Persons with mental disabilities who cannot help themselves.

Dr. Jadet said that getting vaccinated against seasonal influenza this year Initially, there will be SMS messages sent to people at risk groups informing them to receive influenza vaccination services. which you can walk in to receive services at the nearest service center without having to reserve in advance Or may call to inquire with the service unit first. Except for Bangkok, where the system is still open for reservations for influenza vaccinations in advance By registering through the app “Bao Tang” as in the past year. in cooperation with Krung Thai Bank

However, in order to prepare the service, on 25 – 26 April 2022, a meeting will be held to clarify the implementation of seasonal influenza vaccine to representatives of service units across the country. by the Department of Disease Control Ministry of Health Krung Thai Bank and NHSO to provide services and operations in the same way.

“From May 1 onwards NHSO invites Thai people from 7 risk groups and all rights to receive free seasonal influenza vaccination services free of charge which vaccination against influenza during the outbreak of COVID-19 In addition to reducing the severity of illness and death from complications of influenza. It also reduces the risk of increased mortality from both infections and reduces the hospitalization rate of COVID-19 patients. It also reduces the confusion of screening for co-infections between influenza and COVID-19. Therefore, those in the 7 risk groups should receive influenza vaccination services. In order to take care of your own health The influenza vaccine can be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health,” said the NHSO secretary general.

For SMS messages sent to people at risk groups are as follows: “The free flu vaccine has arrived! For the elderly 65 years and over and those in the risk group Go get a free flu vaccination! At a hospital near your home, no reservation is required. First come first served from May 1 – August 31, 2022 or until the vaccine runs out. You can search for hospitals near your home through the health bag from May 1, 2022 onwards.”

For more information on the use of gold patents, NHSO hotline 1330 or online channels, including Line NHSO, Line ID @nhso or click https://lin.ee/zzn3pU6 and Facebook : National Health Security Office https://www.facebook.com/NHSO.Thailand

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