Presidential: in Deauville, holidaymakers will not forget to vote

by time news

No question of cutting presidential, even on vacation! Dalila is “addicted”, laughs her companion Maurice. On the program for these few days in Deauville (Calvados), with their son Seylan: walks on the beach, collecting shells and… debate between the two towers. The day before, even the 8 and a half year old boy watched the start of the clash between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. “I would have preferred a debate between Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Social issues would have been addressed more,” regrets his father, an IT consultant. “We are very diligent,” laughs Dalila.

So much so that the holidays were organized according to the election! For the Lille family, the school holidays started two weeks ago. “We didn’t want to leave the first week, on purpose. It was out of the question to miss the first round,” says the brand director. They plan to be back in Lille before Sunday for the second. Both will vote for Emmanuel Macron without hesitation.

“It was a better debate than in 2017”

Sitting on the famous planks of Deauville, facing the sea, Sylvain, Juliette and their son Olivier debrief the debate. These Parisians watched it as a family, in the retired couple’s vacation home. “It was a better debate than in 2017,” says Sylvain, aviator glasses on his nose. “Emmanuel Macron was relevant”, judges his son. His mother agrees: “He knows the files”. “He was a bit haughty in his posture,” tempers the father.

No way for them to miss the second round. Contrary to their habit, the retired couple will take the road back on Sunday morning “to go and vote”. ” It is important ! » they assure in chorus. None of the three family members voted for the same candidate in the first round, but all will opt for a Macron ballot on Sunday. However, they fear an agitated second term: “Will he be able to govern in a peaceful society? asks Olivier who predicts the return of the Yellow Vests.

“I’m fed up with politics! »

On the beach, Aurélie, Jérôme and their two children have abandoned their shoes to walk barefoot on the sand. For the family from Reims, the presidential election is part of the holiday program. They gave up going out the day before to watch the debate on television. Their son Rémi, in second, likes to discuss politics with his parents. What, sometimes, bore the youngest. “It’s interesting, but after a while, you get tired of politics,” says Laly, 12, under the amused gaze of her parents.

Under the blue sky, streaked with a few clouds, Nathalie and Laure have set up a towel on the beach, while their children build sand castles. For these two sisters, on the other hand, no politics during the holidays! “The important thing is to enjoy, we finally live again,” exclaims Nathalie, shopkeeper in Beaune (Côte-d’Or). But when they return from vacation this weekend, both intend to go to the polling station. “Otherwise we would have made a power of attorney”, assure the forties.

For Claire and Philippe no politics either by Sunday! “It’s a shame that the election falls during school holidays, it’s not wise. “But their idea” is made “and they will return to Rouen (Seine-Maritime) earlier on Sunday to vote.

The disappointed on the right prefer the “beautiful weather”

Bernard and Hélène, they will shun the ballot boxes. No question for the couple who arrived from Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), to shorten their stay. And they did not make a power of attorney before leaving. “There was no one to vote for us… And that suits us! says Hélène. “Neither one nor the other pleases me”, confirms her husband.

This is the first time that they will not vote. From the “hard right”, Bernard voted Éric Zemmour in the first round. From “cool right”, Hélène voted Valérie Pécresse. Both are disappointed with the second round. So they prefer to take advantage of the “beautiful weather”.

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