For Bruno Le Maire, the salary of 66 million euros of the boss of Stellantis is an “excessive sum”

by time news

The Minister of the Economy returned to the amount of Carlos Tavares’ salary (19 million euros for 2021) and said he was in favor of “transparency on salary differences”.

Invited this Friday morning on RMC and BFMTV, Bruno Le Maire reacted to the controversial remuneration of the boss of Stellantis Carlos Tavares (19 million euros for 2021), judging the sum “excessive“. He also insisted on the need to establish the “transparency on pay gaps». «The first thing is transparency on the salary gaps, in companies, between the median salary or the base salary, and the salary of the company director and the manager“said the Minister of the Economy. According to him, transparency is a way of “ensure decency».

The need to draw up proposals at European level was also mentioned. “If we want to rebuild the unity of the French nation, which is one of the most important challenges in the years to come, we must make European proposals on the subject». «So first proposal, transparency and then after, at the European level (…), should we consider capping systems, I think that deserves reflection“, concluded the minister.

“Shocking” also for the two candidates

President-candidate Emmanuel Macron had already mentioned last week the need to regulate executive compensation at European level, considering the amount received by the boss of Stellantis as “shocking» et «excessive». «We have to convince our European partners to carry out a reform that makes it possible to regulate the remuneration of our leaders“, he had declared on FranceInfo. “Without framing it in a fork, we must be able to put a ceiling“, he added.

Marine Le Pen also said to herself “shockedby the amount of this remuneration. “Of course it’s shocking and even more shocking when it’s business leaders who have put their business in trouble“, she said on RMC and BFMTV. To avoid such discrepancies, the candidate of the National Rally proposes for her part to “include employees as shareholders“, and of “think about a concept of legal reserve of title shared by all employees on an equal basis».

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