“We asked for justice peacefully, they gassed us in return”: yellow vests testify

by time news

This Sunday, April 24 will take place the first presidential election since the beginning of the Yellow Vests, in November 2018. We received on our set and by videoconference a dozen of them, from the Loire, Cher, Drôme, Vendée and elsewhere. The objective of this interview is to come back to what these people involved in the movement experienced, what pushed them to become a member, what they experienced during the demonstrations, etc.

Violence, injustice, cost of living… The speakers work on the subject of their choice before the second round of the presidential election:

Political level, no consensus: “Stay united in diversity and tolerance, that’s what has been driving the movement for three years, it’s not our role to call for a candidate to be elected”, testifies Rémi Monde, member of the Yellow Vests and organizer of the “Freedom Convoy” in France, last February. Some have already called individually to vote for Marine Le Pen, others call not to be divided, and still others consider that this election and the current democratic system are biased. The latter refuse to move for “elect not vote”in the words of Emma, ​​who will intervene in the second part of the interview.

See also: “We opened a breach”: on the eve of the election, the Yellow Vests recall their commitment

Some have been involved for two years in the fight against health and vaccination passes, and believe that it is urgent to go and vote. Anita, in Corsica, could not be present during this broadcast and testifies: “We absolutely have to go and vote, I’m very afraid. If Macron passes, he will be even harder, we have to fight against him. We are the new resistance fighters. We don’t want the digital vaccine pass, I’m on the edge of the depression with Macron’s health policies for two years. I’m on the far left, but here you have to understand that we’re going to vote for Marine Le Pen for reasons other than the identity right.”

This program was produced in two stages; Here we invite you to discover the first part of the Essential interview.

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