Energy drink, an alarming increase in heart risks among the very young

by time news

Energy drink, a study confirms that taking these drinks increases heart rate and blood pressure

Increase your consumption of non-alcoholic energy drinks and with them also the risks to cardiac health. More and more teenagers, but also many adults, are making use of energy drink to withstand evenings at the disco or full-immersion study nights, or simply to support busy days. According to the most recent European data fromEfsa (European Food Safety Authority) 7 out of 10 young people (aged between 10 and 18) e 3 out of 10 adultstake these drinks.

Before going into the details of the scientific research considered, we need to make a clarification on what exactly energy drinks are. That is, drinks that contain different types of stimulants, such as caffeine, taurine, carnitine, B vitamins etc. To be distinguished, however, with the sports drinks (sport drinks) that contain only mineral salts, without exciting substances. Regarding caffeine, for example,Efsa (European Food Safety Authority) has established that the maximum limit is 400 mg per day. Quantity present in 5 cups of espresso. Taking in too much caffeine has devastating effects on the body both at an ester and an organic level. As for the energy drink you should know that, in general, a 25 cl can contains the same amount of caffeine as in an espresso. Another element very present in these drinks is sugar, which it also hides in other unexpected foods.

Energy drink: the effects on the heart

Drink almost 1 liter of energy drink, in a short period of time, raises blood pressure and increases the risk of heart rhythm disturbances. This is demonstrated by a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (May 2019). The study was conducted by a group of researchers led by Sachin A. Shah – Professor of Pharmaceutical Practice ofUniversity of the Pacific di Stockton in California (USA). 34 healthy volunteers (aged 18 to 40 years) were recruited, divided into two groups. The first was given two different types of energy drink, in a quantity equal to 32 ounces which correspond to approximately 95 cl (or almost 4 cans of 25 cl), to be drunk within about 1 hour for 3 consecutive days. The second group, on the other hand, was given a placebo drink (containing sparkling water, lemon juice and other flavors).

The participants in the experiment who took energy drinks, in large quantities and in the short period of time considered, recorded an alteration in heart rate. Specifically, theQT interval (which measures the time it takes the ventricles to generate a new heartbeat). Who drank the energy drinkHe saw a significant increase in the QT interval (from 6 to 7.7 milliseconds) after 4 hours of taking the drink compared to those who drank the placebo drink. This condition, as a direct consequence, can lead to an alteration of the heart rhythm, up to the development of aarrhythmias.

Furthermore, in the individuals of the group who drank i due energy drinkan increase in the blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic) from 4 a 5 mm Hg. This effect could be partly linked to the intake of caffeine. The effect of the other stimulants contained in energy drinks remains to be considered. Pending new studies in this regard, the experts’ indication is to avoid or limit its consumption. As well as doctors and health professionals should give indications in this regard.

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