“Hepatitis children? It spreads runaway”. Pediatricians: “Be careful”

by time news

“Hepatitis children? If they have yellowish skin immediately see the doctor”

The boom in cases of acute hepatitis which infects more and more children in Italia worries the president of pediatricians. “Two weeks ago – he explains Annamaria Staiano to the Press – the news was given at the Congress of the European Society of Gastroenterology pediatric. There was talk of a cluster from hepatitis viral acute in England not classifiable from A to E. A week ago the news became public and other scientific societies started the surveillance necessary to identify new cases worldwide. It is still an early stage and the pediatric network national is well structuredbut they are alarmed because the cases are likely to increase. Unfortunately the epidemic appears galloping. On April 5, there were 10 cases in England, one of which required a liver transplant, and a week later 74. It is about children between 2 and 5 years“.

“It has been ascertained – continues Staiano alla Stampa – that most of the children they are neither positive neither vaccinated. Instead, it has been noted that they are infected with a adenovirussimilar to that of the coldbut that in some cases of immunodepressione can bring all’epatite. It looks just like one new typology of hepatitis, even if the characterization clinic of the phenomenon is still in progress. The duration is over two weeks. In the most severe forms then there is jaundice, or the yellow color of the skin and of the bianco of the eyes. The examination of the transaminases the enzymes produced by the liver that signal liver damage: the child to be a confirmed case of this hepatitis must have levels over 500while the average is 40. Parents who notice the change of skin coloring they must immediately to contact il medico of child”.

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