“Dear Zangrillo, bulletins keep your guard up”

by time news

“In my opinion it is not right to let your guard down. The bulletins” on daily infections and hospitalizations “are useful because they continue to raise awareness of the fact that Covid is still there. And the decision to get vaccinated, in my opinion, is also modulated a bit from the bulletins. So I do not completely agree with Alberto Zangrillo “, who instead defined the daily bulletins as useless and harmful,” even if I agree with him that we see an excessive politicization of some data. fundamental to keep people awake “. This is the vision expressed at time.news Salute by Mario Clerici, professor of immunology at the University of Milan and scientific director of the Don Gnocchi Foundation.

The expert reflects on the words of the director of the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the Irccs San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and Vice Rector at the Vita-Salute University, who for several days has emphasized that terror campaigns must not be fed putting numbers in the spotlight that lend themselves to misleading interpretations.

But, while agreeing on the importance of not exploiting the data, Clerici objects to one point: reminding people of Covid numbers, in his opinion, can help. “I’ll give an example – says the expert – For more than 10 years now no one has talked about AIDS anymore”, the spotlight has turned down on this epidemic compared to the past, “and it is also as a result of this that today we still have the same number of new cases that we had years ago. We have had a downward curve for many years, now not anymore. The risk is a bit like that even with Covid “.

GREEN PASS – “I am obliged to vaccinate. If this does not pass for political reasons, plan B is to have a serious Green pass”. That is, a system whereby “if you don’t have it you don’t go into the factory, you don’t go to school, you don’t do anything. It’s a softer obligation. But if you can’t do anything if you aren’t vaccinated, at some point you go to vaccinate you “he points out.

“There are those who say they are against the Green pass in schools. In my opinion it is a mistake – objects the expert – I am very much in favor of the Green pass even in schools, not only for teachers and staff: if children are vaccinated” , those aged 12 and over, for whom there are approved shield products, “go to school, otherwise they won’t. Because otherwise the virus continues to circulate and new variants emerge, which sooner or later cause damage”.

ALMOST USA – The US is grappling with a surge in Covid infections, which does not spare even the youngest age groups and also raises the number of hospitalizations. So much so that there are calls to vaccinate, launched by US President Joe Biden as well as by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In particular, the CDC still warns today that “the community transmission of Covid in the United States is high. And as of August 11, the 7-day average of new daily cases is 113,357. This is an increase of 24.3 % compared to the previous week and an increase of 875.6% compared to the lowest average of June 2021 “. Hence the renewed invitation: “Get vaccinated”.

The difference in the trend of the epidemic between some countries and others “is in the number of vaccinated – underlines time.news Salute Mario Clerici – In America they have a percentage of vaccinated which, at this point, although it may seem absurd, is lower, and in fact the numbers of Covid are rising much more. From California they tell me, for example, that in schools there is a significant percentage of both teachers and students who are not vaccinated “.

What is the situation in Italy at the moment in hospitals and intensive care? “Colleagues from the Policlinico di Milano tell me that at this moment they are almost exclusively unvaccinated, with an average age of over 60, who get the virus from 15-20 year olds who have not yet vaccinated themselves. These are often asymptomatic but infect 60 year olds. precisely that they still haven’t wanted to get the vaccine. I don’t see high numbers and in the wards the vaccinated people, if there are any, can be counted on the fingers of one hand “.

THIRD DOSE – “To date, there is no scientific evidence indicating the need for a third dose of” Covid vaccine “except in immunocompromised populations. Indeed, the data that are coming out suggest that the immunological memory will be long-term and solid. There is no data to suggest that it will be needed. Having said that, we will find out further if it is needed. Right now I see it wiser to continue on the path of covering all countries first “, even those with low and middle income, before launching a new campaign for the third dose. Objective: “Do not give the virus more chance to mutate” says Clerici.

The expert focuses on the need for global vaccination coverage against the risk of new variants. And, at the same time, however, it reassures about those that are currently in the crosshairs. Like the Lambda variant, which has particularly spread to South America. “The Lambda variant does not seem to have a particular pathogenicity or to be a serious problem. But the job of the virus is to try to adapt to the host, so it continually tries to improve. Viruses do not want to kill the host, but to develop forms in able to resist the immune system and vaccines. For now, vaccines cover all variants. Although I know people vaccinated with double doses who are infected with Delta. ”

But, sooner or later, Clerici warns, “if we do not prevent the virus from circulating there is the possibility that an escaping variant will emerge. I do not expect that to happen because more or less we will achieve mass immunity and I think that the hoof hard that he will not get vaccinated will be small. I believe, in short, that we will not arrive at another very critical episode, requiring a lockdown like in 2020. But we cannot even say with certainty that it will not happen. In my opinion, we will not get to the point that the virus will evolve so much that it will puncture vaccines by 60-70%. I think it is more likely that another coronavirus will crop up. ”

Usually, concludes the immunologist, “we establish a relationship with viruses that we live with. I believe that it will also happen with Covid because the percentage of people who get vaccinated will always be higher. But let’s not give the virus any more chance,” we try to vaccinate all of us so as not to make things easier for him “.

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