A restaurant that has been preparing samosas in the bathroom for 30 years in Saudi Arabia

by time news

The 30-year-old restaurant staff has no health cards. Violations of the law are clearly known to the authorities.


A restaurant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has been operating for the past 30 years. In this case, they went to the restaurant following a tip-off from municipal officials.

In it, a shock awaited them. Other dishes, including samosas, have been in the bathroom at the restaurant for 30 years.

Other dishes, including lunch, are prepared in the same bathroom. In addition, expired meat and dumplings have been used in the restaurant.

Some of them had expired 2 years ago. Insects and rats were running and playing in the restaurant.

The 30-year-old restaurant staff has no health cards. Violations of the law are clearly known to the authorities.

Following this the restaurant is locked. This is not the first time an unhygienic restaurant has been closed in Saudi Arabia.

A rat wandered into a Shawarma restaurant in Jeddah last January. There was also eating meat. Many who saw the shocking video taken at the popular restaurant were upset on the social website.

Authorities were urged to take immediate drastic action. Authorities subsequently sealed off the restaurant and closed it.

In response, Saudi officials said they were continuing to carry out 2,833 surveys in various locations. Of those, 43 irregularities were found. They said 26 restaurants were closed.

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