Concern: Due to the signs of salmonella in finished products – the recall will be expanded

by time news

It seems that the recall on Strauss products will be expanded, after the Ministry of Health announced last night (Tuesday) that salmonella marks were also found in Strauss’ finished products, and not just in the raw materials. This is what the health correspondent of “Israel Today”, Meital Yasur Beit-Or, publishes this morning (Wednesday).

It is estimated that the incident is contained and that all the other factories that used the infected raw material have already been notified. Some recalled, some marketed to the institutional market withdrew the products from the market (restaurants and the like). However there is a possibility that as the tests are expanded and advanced it will be necessary to expand the safety coefficient and the scope of the recall so that it includes more dates.

The Ministry of Health stated earlier: “Strauss informed the Ministry of Health that the results of the laboratory on the finished products had reached them and turned out to be positive. It is clarified that all of these products are part of the initiated return that has already been made by the manufacturer. ” Strauss claimed that the answers received were about products that are in the factory and not products that are on the market.

Eyal Dror, CEO of Strauss Israel, updated that consumers will receive double compensation for Elite chocolate products purchased. In the video that was distributed, he claimed: “I listen to you and am aware of the sadness of the soul. I would like to update that alongside all the activities we have been doing in recent days in dealing with the event, each and every customer who turns to us will receive double compensation, for Elite chocolate products purchased. On behalf of thousands of Strauss employees, I want to commit once again that we do everything we can to fix the problem thoroughly and return our products to the shelves. Thank you for your patience. ”

Senior officials from the Ministry of Health and Minister Nitzan Horowitz held a press conference on the subject. Dr. Elrei Price. She said that: “The factories undergo regular inspections. I do not believe there is a situation where they hid something, but everything will be checked. When salmonella arrives one should check what the source is. As a precaution they went back more time. These are popular products and as a precaution they made extensive recalls. “

According to her, “Strauss’ tests were performed properly. Even when they got the results they reported correctly. There are very many samples that are received as positive from environmental surfaces (referring to the product environment; MI) and this does not mean that all products need to be recalled. There is a right process and so it was in this procedure. The plant operated properly and properly. Cases like Kinder are known in the world in Belgium, where it took time for the information to be provided. “Strauss did the tests on time, reported when there was an incorrect finding, and then an extensive recall was made of all the products.”

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz: “This plant will not return to operation until we reach the unequivocal conclusion that the products are clean and without danger to the public. The event will be investigated in great detail. CEO Ash opened with a comprehensive investigation. This is an example of the need for regulation and supervision in the face of strong corporations. If we do not save there will be a jungle. The Ministry of Health is vigilant, making sure every day that everything that Israeli residents eat and drink is safe and meets standards. A thorough and rigorous inspection will be carried out at the factory. “

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